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Talking about Women Farmers

Land is a crucial resource for poverty reduction, food security and rural development. Yet in many places, women’s rights to land tenure are still not recognized or respected. Frequently, for example, husbands control land that legally belongs to their wives, or women are blocked from access to land they inherit from relatives. In order to raise awareness on women's land rights and to celebrate International... Continue reading
  1098 Hits
1098 Hits

Zero Hunger Challenge: A World Free From Hunger

Drought-like situations in the Tharparker Region of Pakistan affected 1.5 million people living in over 22,000 square kilometres. The reported number of deaths in 2014 was 470. Unfortunately, the number of the children who died in the villages and private clinics couldn't be reported. There is enough food in the world to feed our growing population. The challenge comes from making... Continue reading
  1396 Hits
1396 Hits