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Some tips to new Agriculture Graduates on the job market

Yesterday evening, I opened my Facebook page and could not miss the status updates of my friends of the Faculty of Agriculture who passed their final year exams and are going to graduate soon... Status updates on Facebook My first reaction was happiness for them, since I still remember being in the same situation last year, and the feeling of completing... Continue reading
  697 Hits
697 Hits

The African Economic Outlook 2012 focusing on Youth Employment - YPARD Brief

I was invited by GYIN (Global Youth Innovation Network) to attend - on behalf of YPARD - the presentation of the African Economic Outlook 2012 focusing on Youth Employment, at IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), on Friday 8 June. The presentation included a short macro-economic overview and a discussion on youth employment enhancement. Let me emphasize here the key aspects... Continue reading
  971 Hits
971 Hits