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Youth connected to halt deforestation!

“Question your answers” – Jeffrey Campbell, Manager of Forest and Farm Facility at FAO The halting deforestation conference commenced with young people across sectors learning, engaging and collaborating.  The scene was set with leading professionals sharing insights on issues affecting forests. There was great emphasis on the need to push our boundaries as young professionals and in ensuring that we bring... Continue reading
  910 Hits
910 Hits

From aspiration to action: Working across sectors to halt deforestation

As a youth delegate, I got an opportunity to represent YPARD Moldova and YPARD Europe at the youth uniting sectors to halt deforestation capacity development workshop and conference.  The conference was organized by IFSA - International Forestry Students' Association, Global Landscapes Forum, Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), hosted at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy.I’ve... Continue reading
  841 Hits
841 Hits

It all starts with the right recipe - How to prepare a good mentoring program!

Nourishing, vibrant, and served without pretension, here is our own recipe for preparing a very nice mentoring program. Because we’ve discovered that leading a mentoring program is like being a chef. It is like cooking. You first make sure that you have a good kitchen available: we had the Living territories conference that was a perfect framework. Then you check you... Continue reading
  837 Hits
837 Hits