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Youth in agriculture: The Serbian story

We all know that young people can bring so much to agriculture with hard work, knowledge and innovation. Young farmers help agriculture directly, but, did you know there are so many ways the youth can help to create better local food production indirectly? Many young people are considering farming as their future working place, however, some of them lack the know-how about... Continue reading
  949 Hits
949 Hits

How can African youth transform the agricultural sector?

There are more young people in the world than ever before; 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24, according to UN estimates. For some, this presents an unprecedented potential for economic and social progress. For Africa, however, the world’s youngest region and home to over 200 million young people, this could easily be a ticking time bomb. According... Continue reading
  989 Hits
989 Hits