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What it takes to be a great facilitator

Lengthy presentations are a tired conference format. To come to concrete and effective solutions, we need lively and focused discussions with people of different views. But lively discussions need a glue to hold them together. And that glue is a moderator. What is a facilitator? It is the facilitator who sets the context, drives the discussion, and engages the audience in... Continue reading
  839 Hits
839 Hits

On the road to 2014-2018 – new YPARD Business Plan released

The end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 has been a milestone in the development of YPARD.  Many strategic events have been shaping the organization, from the external review of late 2013, to the strategic planning meeting in early January and the update of the charter.  The YPARD Business Plan 2014-2018 was developed based on the outcomes of the strategic meeting... Continue reading
  760 Hits
760 Hits