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YPARD Enhances Agricultural Research for Development in Cameroon among rural youth

YPARD Country Representative for Cameroon, Divine Ntiokam, after a number of consultations, trainings and advocacy at national, regional and global level has been able to create awareness in Environmental Sustainability through agricultural forums among young professionals. He came to a conclusion that in order to support the United Nations Secretary General`s term of office in regards to redesigning a new framework... Continue reading
  744 Hits
744 Hits

Fisheries in Africa: a gloomy situation?

For some 200 million Africans fish is the main source of animal protein. This is one third of the continent’s population.  10 million Africans, many of them artisans, are directly depended on fisheries for their livelihoods. On top of this, fish is one of Africa’s prime export products, contributing significantly to some of the national economies. These facts alone should make... Continue reading
  1356 Hits
1356 Hits