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YPARD Enhances Agricultural Research for Development in Cameroon among rural youth

Divine, YPARD CameroonYPARD Country Representative for Cameroon, Divine Ntiokam, after a number of consultations, trainings and advocacy at national, regional and global level has been able to create awareness in Environmental Sustainability through agricultural forums among young professionals.

He came to a conclusion that in order to support the United Nations Secretary General`s term of office in regards to redesigning a new framework towards reinforcing the already existing goals to be achieved by 2015 and Beyond, getting young people involved, and persons with disabilities, cannot be overemphasized.

In order to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) has been recognized to be a top solution to the thematic and hence the process has been termed post – 2015 Development Agenda which is to reconstitute new set of goals, in this case sustainable development goals (SDGs) to run from 2015 to 2030 in order to build the world we want.

YPARD has established regional offices and facilitated focus group discussions with rural youth, academic institutions, civil society and faith based organizations to foster agricultural research for development (ARD) across the national territory in Cameroon with young professionals being the lead in this process.

Pictures to illustrate the above scenario:

CR with rural youth

CR with students from philippines

CR wih SG of young farmers

CR with Full Gospel National & Vice President
























Pic.1: YPARD Country Representative, Divine, with Rural Youth

Pic.2: YPARD CR with students from Philippine Normal University

Pic.3: YPARD CR with SG of Young Farmers

Pic.4: CR with Full Gospel National & Vice President

If you want to get invovled with YPARD Cameroon, contact me at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

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