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The science of youth engagement in sustainable development and green economy

There is a growing recognition that we have reached a tipping point when it comes to ideas on how best to engage young people or youths to be conscious and responsible global citizens in various disciplines. Today, sustainable development and the green economy are the new focus of research, education, and development in most countries albeit they are new terms for... Continue reading
  883 Hits
883 Hits

Capacity Building training on Climate Change, Carbon Financing and REDD/REDD+ issues

[Photo credit: Naresh Kusi] Capacity Building training on Climate Change, Carbon Financing and REDD/REDD+ was organized in National Legume Research Center (NLRC), Rampur, Chitwan by Youth Alliance in Environment (YAE) with support of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) from December 1 to December 4, 2013.  With the slogan, nurturing Green Minds, YAE (established in... Continue reading
  1086 Hits
1086 Hits

YPARD Nepal calls for membership

YPARD Nepal is a branch of YPARD working voluntarily for the upliftment and enhancement of agriculture in Nepal. With successful university level awareness programs, YPARD Nepal wants to extend its arm and raise new voices for the common fight of agricultural prosperity. YPARD Nepal now opens membership for 20 volunteering members to organize different programs as discussed on year roung planning of... Continue reading
  1102 Hits
1102 Hits