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YPARD Rwanda- A Voice on Youth Engagement in Youth Employment

The Youth Employment Funders Group (YEFG) with funding from Citi Foundation has released a call for proposals to develop a white paper and roadmap that would provide a common understanding of youth engagement in the context of youth employment policies, programs and strategies. It will also include a roadmap for funders that outlines recommendations for meaningfully engaging youth in the various... Continue reading
  1454 Hits
1454 Hits

YPARD partners with SEARCA to unlock youth engagement opportunities

At the beginning of July 2020, the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and YPARD entered a partnership represented by each organizations’ directors, Dr. Glenn Gregorio and Dr. Yemi Adeyeye, respectively.  The partnership aims to capitalize on the network and expertise of each organization to work together on creating opportunities for youth to be engaged... Continue reading
  1099 Hits
1099 Hits

Do you wear multiple hats? Choose the youth!

On Thursday 23rd of March, 2017 I went to the presentation of the Nature Outlook Report where I was one of the panelists of the debate session. The objective of my presentation was to give my inputs on the question: How can nature be relevant for a sustainable future of agriculture? A big question, isn’t it? I am a Scientific Project... Continue reading
  1327 Hits
1327 Hits

YPARD Armenia: local meetings to address youth’s needs in agriculture

With the purpose to promote YPARD’s mission in Armenia, and to better understand how local youth can benefit from it, in March, our team organized two meetings with different stakeholders involved in agriculture. The first meeting took place in the mountain resort Aghveran, gathering young farmers involved in organic farming. The second meeting was organized for juniors, who pursue a bachelor’s... Continue reading
  870 Hits
870 Hits

YPARD Africa country reps reunite

FARA recently hosted a meeting October 20-22, 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya on FARA/CGIAR Collaboration Workshop on Climate Change, Youth Engagement, Food Security and Agricultural Transformation in Africa.  The meeting took 1.5 days to discuss Climate Smart Agriculture and the second 1.5 days to obtain youth input on the development of a FARA youth strategy. It was great to see so many... Continue reading
  817 Hits
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Welcoming YPARD Denmark representative: Majbrit Terkelsen

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Denmark: Majbrit Terkelsen. Majbrit has a bachelor degree in Agrobiology from the Aarhus University. Her main focus is on livestock and production animals’ role in agriculture. Along her studies, Majbrit became more and more interested in agriculture in a global context and started to attend courses with global perspectives... Continue reading
  920 Hits
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Involving Young People in Agricultural Development: why it's critical for the sustainability of the sector

Agricultural development specialists and policymakers around the world are concerned that young people are not interested in remaining in rural areas and taking up farming. Agriculture is rarely the first choice of many who study it. Agriculture holds no prestige and young people taking it up as a livelihood are not considered success stories in their communities. While there will always... Continue reading
  1306 Hits
1306 Hits

Old farmers never realize how much energy a young farmer can bring to the farm!

Last week a diverse group of people came together at the farm Veld & Beek in the Netherlands: young farmers, future farmers, old farmers, people from farming organisations and lots of press. They came to hear the story of Joel Salatin, according to Time Magazine the world’s most innovative farmer. Joel’s latest book – Fields of Farmers – deals with the... Continue reading
  1010 Hits
1010 Hits

FSN Forum in West Africa - How would you make agriculture more attractive for the youth?

“There won’t be development without youth. Young people have to be involved and finding how agriculture can be attracting for young people is the priceless solution we should seek after”. This is how Abdoulaye from Senegal sums up the main message that comes out from an online survey made by FSN Forum in West Africa in collaboration with YPARD, available in... Continue reading
  970 Hits
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Feature as Young Guest Blogger for Farming First!

Deadline: 25 May 2014 Farming First! - That’s the name of a coalition of over 130 organisations. The coalition articulates actions towards sustainable agricultural development worldwide. It gathers multi-stakeholder representatives: world’s farmers, scientists, engineers and industry as well as agricultural development organisations. With one shared voice, Farming First highlights the importance of improving farmers’ livelihoods and agriculture’s potential contribution to global... Continue reading
  1177 Hits
1177 Hits

The science of youth engagement in sustainable development and green economy

There is a growing recognition that we have reached a tipping point when it comes to ideas on how best to engage young people or youths to be conscious and responsible global citizens in various disciplines. Today, sustainable development and the green economy are the new focus of research, education, and development in most countries albeit they are new terms for... Continue reading
  882 Hits
882 Hits

IFAD president makes case for youth

The rejuvenation conference organized by IITA as part of its resource mobilization strategy in 2012 has come and gone but the call for investments in young people by the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Dr Kanayo Nwanze that culminated into the formation of the IITA Youth program will not fade away. Delivering a speech titled, “Rejuvenation: Investing... Continue reading
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