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Three young scientists research post-harvest deterioration of cassava

The fact that post-harvest physiological deterioration (PPD) is one of the most significant bottlenecks in cassava processing chains may be nothing new, as it is one of the biggest challenges facing cassava producers, but that three young scientists have keen interest in a long-term effort to tackle this challenge proves quite encouraging. Luis Augusto Becerra, molecular biologist at CIAT’s Cassava Program,... Continue reading
  2257 Hits
2257 Hits

Reflections on Agricultural Innovation in Africa: its Scalability and Youths

The concept of agricultural innovation has been the most intriguing and interesting subjects in Africa for several reasons. Firstly, most African countries still grapple with acute poverty and food insecurity. Yet, Africa has the best resources for agriculture i.e. good land for agricultural production and hard working people. Secondly, Africa has a burgeoning young population which is expected to be innovative... Continue reading
  907 Hits
907 Hits