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Targeting and Financing of Agricultural Research in Africa: The Great Paradox

The impact assessment studies on agricultural research in Africa (in most commodities including Rice, Maize) have shown  huge payoffs, more than any other investments, reaching rates of return of more than 100%. It is however, necessary to note that impacts of agricultural research have long time lags from initial investment to actually reaping the benefits. This is exacerbated by market failures... Continue reading
  798 Hits
798 Hits

Reflections on Agricultural Innovation in Africa: its Scalability and Youths

The concept of agricultural innovation has been the most intriguing and interesting subjects in Africa for several reasons. Firstly, most African countries still grapple with acute poverty and food insecurity. Yet, Africa has the best resources for agriculture i.e. good land for agricultural production and hard working people. Secondly, Africa has a burgeoning young population which is expected to be innovative... Continue reading

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  • Malawi
  906 Hits
906 Hits

Reminiscences of a YPARD Member at ICPD Global Youth Forum in Bali

The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Global Youth Forum was held in Bali, Indonesia, from 4th -6th  December 2012 in the context of the reviewing and following up to the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action beyond 2014 and development agenda beyond 2015. The aim was to produce recommended actions for the outcome report of the review and... Continue reading

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  • Indonesia
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  968 Hits
968 Hits

Youths, Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change Adaptation: Reconsidering Our Deepest Beliefs

Maxwell Mkondiwa Farmer experimentation and field school using System of Rice Intensification: Youths involved in taking a video to showcase in another area (Cho Moi District, Bac Kan Province, Vietnam). A community or village is normally treated as a unified unit consisting of various individuals who share various common resources and institutions. Practitioners have indeed implemented development projects in this so... Continue reading
  978 Hits
978 Hits

Growing more rice with less water in a changing climate

by Maxwell Mkondiwa, reporting from the 6th Community Based Adaptation Conference in Vietnam It is now recognized worldwide that agricultural and farming systems need to be improved beyond their capacities if the human race is to avert the catastrophe that may result as population growth exceeds food production. Catastrophe seem likely when you consider the billions of people who will be food insecure... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1084 Hits
1084 Hits