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Rice on the rise: Promoting consumption of energy enriched rice products

Innovation is the best practice for development in the society.  When malnutrition is the country`s major issue then innovative food products might possibly be one of the alternative solutions to explore. Rice is the main staple food in Bangladesh. It is the major source of energy especially by supporting the carbohydrate and protein requirements for not only Bangladeshi people including many... Continue reading
  893 Hits
893 Hits

Save the date: Youth as drivers of innovation interactive event

On the occasion of the International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers: Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, an interactive session with youth will be organized by FAO in collaboration with Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD). It will allow youth to identify and convey key messages on the role of innovation in agriculture in shaping... Continue reading
  927 Hits
927 Hits

Examples of YPs at work: SFIAR Award Ceremony 2014

The decreasing share of young people in agriculture and as a consequence, the upcoming issue of securing food production for future generations, is a topic that slowly moves up the agenda of organizations and governments worldwide. While there is a decrease of young work force in agricultural production, there is also a decrease of young people engaging in agricultural research. Need... Continue reading
  1140 Hits
1140 Hits

Growing more rice with less water in a changing climate

by Maxwell Mkondiwa, reporting from the 6th Community Based Adaptation Conference in Vietnam It is now recognized worldwide that agricultural and farming systems need to be improved beyond their capacities if the human race is to avert the catastrophe that may result as population growth exceeds food production. Catastrophe seem likely when you consider the billions of people who will be food insecure... Continue reading
  1084 Hits
1084 Hits