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Women power! Mitigating Climate Change in Nepal

In a speech to his fellow Ghanaians in the early 1900s, the visionary educator, Dr. J.E. Kwegyir Aggrey, declared, “The surest way to keep a people down is to educate the men and neglect the women. If you educate a man you simply educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family.” Living in a healthy environment... Continue reading
  6905 Hits
6905 Hits

2014-2018 YPARD vision: fostering youth’s role for agricultural development

The key outcomes of YPARD Strategic meetings of January 2014 Two key strategic meetings took place this January 2014, at YPARD. A strategic planning gathered major partners, donors, and YPARD representatives at different levels – national, regional, global, and the steering committee. Based on the progress done by YPARD these last years, and the results of the 2013 External Review particularly,... Continue reading
  733 Hits
733 Hits