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YPARD Serbia: Enhancing visibility through web media

After our recent TV interview and first appearance in the national media, YPARD Serbia continues to boost outreach and visibility as one of her goals. This time, on  June 27th the website Argoklub published an article on YPARD Serbia. As the YPARD Serbia representative and agricultural journalist working for this website, I suggested my editor that one of my June texts should... Continue reading
  908 Hits
908 Hits

Highlights of the 2nd YPARD Asia and Pacific conference

The YPARD regional unit in Asia and Pacific (AP) organized 2nd YPARD AP Conference on July 21-22, 2018 at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Beijing, China.  The objectives of this conference were to share regional and national updates, review of existing regional development plan, and draft of new regional development plan based on the upcoming 2018-2022 YPARD Business Plan.... Continue reading
  1159 Hits
1159 Hits