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YPARD Serbia: Enhancing visibility through web media

After our recent TV interview and first appearance in the national media, YPARD Serbia continues to boost outreach and visibility as one of her goals.

This time, on  June 27th the website Argoklub published an article on YPARD Serbia. As the YPARD Serbia representative and agricultural journalist working for this website, I suggested my editor that one of my June texts should be about “What is YPARD and how can it help young farmers”. The piece highlights crucial information about the Young professionals for agricultural development platform, previous and future YPARD Serbia activities and contact for any other information or potential cooperation.

Since agriculture has become an attractive source of finance, lots of young people choose to live in rural areas and working on a farm. The increasing number of youth interested in farming has created the space for organizations who help young farmers and their needs, hence the formation of YPARD in Rome with help of UN and FAO, 12 years ago.

This non-profit organization, now with more than 15 000 members subscribed members, and a media coverage of over 40 thousand followers helps young people by educating, connecting and informing them about mentoring programs, master and PhD programs, jobs and funding opportunities as well as events and activities related to youth in agriculture.

YPARD is a global network working all around the world through its Global Coordination Unit, Regional chapters and country representatives who fight to improve the position of youth in agriculture, as is our main goal at YPARD Serbia. Strategic objectives of this movement are to facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge among young professionals, broaden opportunities to contribute to strategic agricultural policy debates, promoting agriculture among young people and facilitate access to resources for YF.

YPARD is very proud of its mentoring programs in Kenya and collaboration and partnerships with several important partners, including European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD), IAAS and others.

Everyone and anyone can become a member of YPARD by simply signing in for free on its website Students can find, in tab ‘opportunities’, all sorts of jobs and funding, research programs, scholarships etc.

YPARD has a representative office in Serbia since 2013. Until now, many projects have been realized. The most important project was in 2015 when YPARD Serbia organised and coordinated participation at Milano EXPO event "We feed the planet" where 10 young professionals from Serbia were able to attend.

Today YPARD Serbia is dedicated to the promotion of agriculture among young people, creating better access to the market for young farmers, connecting with entrepreneurs and organizing informative seminars. Stories of young farmers in Serbia you can read on, FB page Mladi u agraru, YPARD Serbia and for any kind of information or collaboration you can reach the Serbia YPARD representative Julijana Kuzmic at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.

Youth in agriculture face many challenges during their farm production, but they contribute to the world's agriculture in many ways. YPARD Serbia along with other chapters is encouraging young professionals to overcome some of these obstacles and harnessing young people's potential in the right way – sustainable agricultural development!

This blog piece was originally featured on the Argoklub website.

Picture credit: YPARD

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