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AGRA: a fruit of cross-pollination

In a world where division of labor and specialization is given much importance, we tend to forget that there is beauty in cross-pollination; convergence of different fields. Last year, 2016, YPARD Philippines had its mid-year planning. In the course of the meeting, one of the directives of the group was to find a way to use the arts in advancing our... Continue reading
  885 Hits
885 Hits

Mentoring youth for agricultural transformation - The 2017 Young Africa Works Summit

In the next two weeks, all youth in agriculture paths will convene in Kigali, Rwanda. Why so? The MasterCard Foundation will be hosting its second Young Africa Works Summit in Kigali Rwanda from February 16-17. This meeting will bring together 300 high-level influencers from NGOs, government, peer funders, the private sector and youth themselves to discuss not only how youth can... Continue reading
  855 Hits
855 Hits