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Welcoming a new YPARD Steering Committee member: Christine Gould!

Christine Gould, new YPARD SC memberYPARD is glad to welcome a new Steering Committee member: Christine Gould. Christine founded Thought For Food (TFF) out of her belief that the power to solve the most pressing challenges faced by humanity lies with the next generation. 

TFF is a next generation powerhouse focused on empowering young innovators to develop breakthrough solutions for 9+ billion people. Through the TFF Challenge, an annual incentive prize competition, TFF has engaged and mentored more than 3,000 top-caliber university students from over 300 universities around the world. 

Each year, TFF also organizes its flagship Summit based on the premise that when passionate leaders come together, they can make anything happen. Christine holds an MPA with a concentration in Science and Technology Policy from Columbia University in New York, NY and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Economics from American University in Washington, DC.

She has spent her career working on industry-shaping agriculture and food initiatives in various leading organizations in the United States and across Europe, including at Syngenta in Switzerland. In 2013, Christine was named into Ashoka Changemakers League of Intrapreneurs. She’s obsessed with all things science and tech, open innovation, contemporary art, modern architecture and dancing to electronic music.

“I am thrilled with this amazing opportunity to join the YPARD Steering Committee, and look forward to connecting and collaborating with the other SC members as well as the YPARD global community, who represent some of the brightest young leaders on the planet dedicated to making agriculture a thriving, innovative and sustainable sector. 

Our generation is the one that is faced with the unprecedented challenge of feeding a population of 9 or more billion people – it is our future that is at stake. Luckily, we have very powerful tools at our disposal as well as a unique ethos based on passion, purpose and a relentless drive to make an impact. On the SC, I want to focus on empowering young people around the world so that we can all become agents of positive change and bring forward creative, breakthrough solutions for food security.”

Having Christine in YPARD Steering Committee is invaluable for strengthening the strategic directions of the Platform. It is particularly a chance to expand the network and YPARD’s partnerships in Europe and in North America. Warm welcome, Christine!

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Welcoming a new YPARD Steering Committee member: S...

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