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Welcoming a new YPARD Steering Committee member: Jorrit Kiewik

Jorrit kiewikWe are delighted to welcome a new steering committee member: Jorrit Kiewik.

Jorrit Kiewik is the newest add-on to the YPARD Steering Committee team. Jorrit is a graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Entrepreneurship and is finalizing his master’s program in Communication, Health & Life Sciences at Wageningen University.

Jorrit has been working as the director of Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN) in The Netherlands for four years, prior to founding the SFYN Global Office. As the executive director, he is leading the team coordinating approximately 250 communities around the world. Jorrit grew up on a small-scale dairy farm in the eastern part of The Netherlands, which he and his family are currently is developing into a future proof farm with a closed circular system and focus on plant-based proteins. 

Previously he has been working for Het Portaal, a communication office working on sustainable communities, where he was community manager of “The Milk Story” an on- and offline platform targeted at the enhancement of sustainability within the dairy sector. With “The Milk Story”, Jorrit and his team won the Digital Communication Awards for ‘Best Blog 2015-2016’.

At the account of joining YPARD as an SC member, this is what Jorrit had to say;

“I am pleased to be joining the steering committee of YPARD. I truly believe that the youth should currently be able to put in their maximum effort in order to change the global food system for the better. Our generation is facing immense challenges that should be tackled by the core, by the people who will be conflicted by it. Organizations like YPARD, as well as SFYN, are contributing to this – gathering youth all over the world in order to create a more sustainable food system. I hope that in the near future, the youth will find themselves in a stronger position. No longer held back by the current generation in the decisions that are made with regards to the future, but in strong collaboration.”

Welcome on board Jorrit Kiewik!

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