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Welcoming a new YPARD Steering Committee member: Marina Cherbonnier

MarinaWe are delighted to welcome a new steering committee member: Marina Cherbonnier.

Marina is a graduate with a Master’s degree in Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D) from the University of Manchester, the UK, and a Master’s degree in Information and Documentation sciences from the UCO, Angers, France. She was also a Bachelor student in French and Classical (Greek and Latin) literature - in what seems another life! 

Marina has been leading and advising International Community and Networks for the past 10 years. Before joining CIVICUS: the global civil society alliance, as Member Engagement Specialist for 2 years, Marina was the Global Communications and Knowledge Manager at YPARD, for 6 years. 

At CIVICUS, Marina strengthened the community culture and spirit and the mainstreaming of members engagement within the organisation to walk the talk as a member-led alliance. This was only possible by working hand-in-hand with other staff members and members. It brought CIVICUS’ vision of togetherness to life and led to the design and implement impactful actions that connected, engaged and equipped members able to bring their own voices and competencies. This also revolved around refining stronger messages and establishing thorough feedback loops for members and partners to feel heard and their input to be strategically taken into account in CIVICUS’ planning. 

At YPARD, she gained a thorough experience in youth engagement in agricultural development, leadership, management and governance of a network as part of the global coordination unit - as they were only 2 full-time positions for a long time: the director and herself. She fully contributed to the strategic discussions with the steering committee, the financial and budget management, and the development of the network in a proactive, creative and innovative manner. This included guiding and working effectively with the then 60 national chapters and 4 regional units remotely. Building trust and a genuine sense of belonging around key co-defined strategic objectives, priorities and activities, as well as strong and timely internal and external communications, was key to this. 

At the account of re-joining YPARD as an SC member, this is what Marina had to say;

“I am extremely excited to be taking a more active role into YPARD again, this time focusing on strategic matters. It’s about time to take radical steps and transformations. I hope the vision of international community’s leadership I bring, my institutional knowledge of YPARD as well as some of the experiences of community and network governance and structure I can relate to from the outside-world of agricultural development will contribute to building a stronger YPARD together with the whole community I am so very much fond of! My passion for YPARD’s cause hasn’t aged. As expressed some years ago, I want to contribute to a world where young people have all the means to contribute to a food system that is socially, economically and environmentally liveable. This, Today, requires to strategically strengthen YPARD as an entity, first and foremost!”

Welcome onboard Marina Cherbonnier!

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