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Welcoming the new YPARD Nepal representative: Abhishek Khadka

Abhishek Khadka is from Dharan which is the located in eastern region of Nepal.

He has a masters degree in Food Technology from Tribhuvan University Nepal with a strong focus on Tea, Coffee and Dairy Technology. He is interested in researching the fields of food chemistry and nutrition and has presented some of his research in different national and international conferences.

He has been involved in many youth organizations like Nepal Food Technology Students Association (NEFTSA), UN Youth and Student Association Nepal (2014), Youth Peer Education Network Nepal and US Embassy Youth Council (2013). He has also disseminated much information related to food safety and food hygiene in many talk programs related to youths. He was the local representative in the beginning and later he was the grant officer of YPARD Nepal.

Currently, he is employed in Rural Reconstruction Nepal as Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and formerly an Agriculture, Livelihood and Institutional Development Officer under CILRREN project. The project is funded by BrotFuer Die Welt and focuses on livelihood improvement via agriculture to rural farmers of six village development committees of Dolakha District. The project is constructing agriculture roads, collection centre, irrigation scheme and schools. Apart from infrastructure component, the project is also supporting on agriculture for development of rural livelihoods. Rural Reconstruction Nepal is working in rural areas in 29 districts of Nepal.

He is also one of the active members of Nepal Food Scientists and Technologists Association and he was awarded as one of the best student presenters in food conference 2014. Among his presentations two of them were in INGENAES, two of them were in food conferences 2012 and 2014, one on Biochemists Association Nepal Conference (BANCON).

He has been an active member of YPARD since 2014 and published some blog posts. Similarly, he was also one of the mentors of edumala sessions related to food quality control and entrepreneurship. He had also actively participated in the food fair which was held in Kathmandu. Apart from that he also volunteered in YPARD student symposium which was held recently.

About Abhishek, he says: "Absolutely Abhishek for positive activism: from my past experience working in six districts of Nepal in 2013 and 2014 with very less funding, becoming new country representative for YPARD Nepal is a great opportunity to broaden my network among Nepalese agriculture, food technologists, nutritionist, dieticians, livestock professionals."

Agriculture is the only activity which can help improve rural livelihood in Nepal but, dissemination of information related to modern agriculture is a top priority. YPARD Nepal is also helping to disseminate the stories of the rural farmers so that others could understand and do similar activities for the better practices.

My first contact event with YPARD was in Food Fair where many youths came together to mutually share their experiences related to YPARD. Similarly, I believe that collaboration is necessary for YPARD's growth. I am planning to collaborate more with various institutions, I/NGOs and private companies as I resume this position.

He is determined to continue the good work of Dinesh Panday the former representative for YPARD Nepal. We express our profound gratitude to Dinesh for the time invested in the country chapter.

If you are from or based in Nepal, and want to get involved in YPARD Nepal activities, please contact Abhishek at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

Photo credit: Abhishek Khadka

Welcoming the new YPARD Nepal communications focal...
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