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Welcoming YPARD Armenia representative: Armen Ghazaryan

Armen GhazaryanYPARD is delighted to welcome Armen Ghazaryan as YPARD representative for Armenia.

"I have always been highly interested in agriculture, especially when it's about looking at agriculture from economic perspectives. Armen says. Even in my very childhood I was enjoying planting and harvesting greens, fruits and vegetables at my grandparent's summer home. I grew up and my love towards agriculture became even stronger.

As a result, when I graduated from high school I was accepted to Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) for undergraduate studies in Agribusiness and Marketing. After completing two years of my studies there, I was successfully transferred to Agribusiness Teaching Center (ATC), which is a collaborative project between ANAU and Texas A&M University. The curriculum at ATC is western-structured and based on the undergraduate agricultural economics curriculum of Texas A&M University. Definitely, only a real interest in this sphere and willingness to have my own contribution to its further development in my country could lead me to go through several tests and interviews to get into the ATC.

My graduation in June, 2012 was followed by my admission to ATC's Master of Agribusiness program which is again certified by Texas A&M University.  Currently, I am a first-year graduate student of Agribusiness and Marketing.

As a person who is surrounded by many talented, enthusiastic, ambitious and motivated young people involved and interested in agriculture I strongly believe that, along with these people, I need an international platform for sharing experiences and learning new things. In my view, YPARD is the right place for that. Thus, since YPARD didn't have a country representative for Armenia I decided to apply for the position and bring this bright idea to my country.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to Davit Gogilashvili (YPARD country representative of Georgia), a graduate and member of ATC family, thanks to whom I have learned about this wonderful community.

I look forward to having fruitful cooperation with you all."

Welcome on board, Armen!

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