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Welcoming YPARD new country representative for Kenya!

Emmanuel NgoraYPARD is delighted to welcome its new representative for Kenya : Emmanuel Ngore.

Emmanuel Ngore is a programme assistant at the World Agroforestry Centre. Emmanuel has worked with the youth for 6 years on subject matters pertaining to conservation of natural resources, policymaking, and diseases prevention. This has spanned the Non-Governmental sector (Kenya Red Cross – Society Nyando Branch) where he worked closely with youth to disseminate proper health and sanitation programmes including HIV/AIDS.

Since 2011, Emmanuel has been the secretary of the Sustainable Africa Youth Foundation (SAYF), which promotes environmental awareness among youth. Emmanuel has also participated in previous Major Groups and Stakeholders Forums (MGCY) organized by The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the preparation and adoption of the Rio Declaration calling for more attention in Youth inclusion into matters affecting natural resources utilization. He is also a member of Africa Youth Initiative for Climate Change (AYICC).

Emmanuel holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from Kenyatta University and is currently pursuing postgraduate studies in Project Management.

As he joins YPARD, Emmanuel is interested in engaging all Kenyan Youth to finding ways of increasing the amount of food in the National Food basket. As he says, “Apparently agriculture was considered dirty in Kenya for many years and I am glad that with scarcity of employment opportunities, many Kenyan Youths are now embracing agriculture in full force, with others in employment quitting to venture into agribusiness.” Emmanuel assures to involve healthy partnerships that will see Food Security among other Environmental Issues tackled in Kenya.

Warm welcome to Emmanuel, who brings into YPARD team a significant experience with the youth for development matters. Our thanks to Jane Bisanju, previous YPARD representative for Kenya, who had joined YPARD at early stages of its conception and contributed to shaping it.

Read more about Emmanuel's insights on his blog post: Kenyan youth getting together for the futur they want.

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