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Welcoming YPARD new Web4knowledge intern: Marc Ghislain Bappa

Marc Ghislain Bappa SEYPARD is delighted to welcome Marc Ghislain Bappa as YPARD new Web4Knowledge intern. Marc will be working some 15 hours a week remotely from Cameroon, on posting information on YPARD website and disseminating it through YPARD different social media channels - on Facebook page and group, LinkedIn page and group, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest -.

Marc is a 26-year old Cameroonian who feels passion for agriculture. When entering the high school in 2008, he had the intention to take Biochemistry courses, however, due to a friend’s advice, Marc found himself enrolled instead in the Plant Biology courses.

Three years later, Marc obtained his Bachelor degree and went for the 2nd cycle studies in Plant Biotechnology in 2011, specializing in Plant Physiology and Improvement. Marc got his Masters’ degree in October 2014. 

His interest in Agriculture and related fields came during his early studies at the university. He heard about YPARD through a classmate when he was doing his Masters. He attended a workshop for the first time in June 2013.

From then on, his drive for the agricultural sector started to increase, particularly when Marc did his first field academic and professional internship for nearly 10 months in a public agricultural institution (SODECAO-Cameroun) that was based in a remote area with no electricity and unpaved roads.

Visiting dense humid forests, having intercultural exchanges with villagers, learning and cultivating many crops, together with the assistance of indigenous people, made this experience unique for Marc. Back from there, Marc started being an active team member of YPARD.

Likewise, Marc took part and still does in the realization of some agricultural field projects with classmates and colleagues in the agricultural sector. This has let him to have a very good experience and know-how in agricultural production techniques and natural resources management.

His competency in the utilization of IT tools and software are solidly based. He has a well based background in the primary production of some rentable cash and food crops (cocoa, plantains, oil palm, corn, beans, tomatoes, etc.). He also translates documents (either scientific or not) from French to English and vice versa.

Since he received a training about the usage of web 2.0 tools and social media by CTA, he has been using different channels like Twitter or Facebook in order to communicate and report as a YPARD representative on issues related to ARD in conferences, workshops, etc.

YPARD Cameroon regional representative and former Web4Knowledge intern, Gwladys Mabah, and especially YPARD Cameroon country representative, Nestor Ngouambé, have put much effort to promote this network as well as to help each active member to contribute to the achievement of the various goals outlined in YPARD Cameroon strategic plans.

“Being YPARD Web4Knowledge intern represents a great challenge that I accept with pleasure. Moreover, it will provide me with the necessary skills to become more professional and the satisfaction of knowing that thanks to my work all YPARDians will benefit of the quality of the different items on our website.” 

Welcome on board, Marc! 

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