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1st YPARD China Conference Won Great Success

Under the support of YPARD, YPARD Asia and CAAS, the Climate Change and Food Security—Role of Young Professionals in ARD YPARD China Promoting Conference” was successfully held in CAAS on 5th June, 2012.
Over 190 participants from 21 organizations attended this great YPARD China event:
  • International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR),
  • OXFAM,
  • International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC),
  • Agriculture Research Center of MOA,
  • Cross-Straight Agricultural Exchange Association,
  • Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences,
  • Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,
  • Chinese Rice Institute,
  • China Agriculture University,
  • Shenyang Agriculture University,
  • Northwest A&F Technology University,
  • Peking University,
  • Peking Normal University,
  • Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,
  • Beijing Agricultural School,
  • Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
  • Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
  • Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
  • Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
  • Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  • CAAS
Mr. Meng Xianxue, Deputy Director of Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS chaired this conference. Mr. Gong Xifeng, Deputy Director General of Department of International Cooperation of CAAS, Mrs. Li Sijing, Associate Dean of Graduate School of CAAS and Ms. Courtney Paisley, YPARD Global Unit Coordinator attended the conference and gave speech on YPs role on international agricultural research and cooperation and congratulations on the great success of YPARD China conference (More details in the coming proceeding, soon!).
YPARD Asia coordinator, Mr. R. Seenivasan’s greetings and congratulations letter was read by Ms. Courtney Paisley. Then Prof. Mei Fangquan, Former Director of AII of CAAS, Prof. Chen Zhigang, Director of IFPRI China Office, Prof. Nie Fengying, Director of International Division of AII of CAAS gave presentations with the topics “Foresight of Agriculture in China and Mission of Young Professionals”, “SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS for Reducing Poverty and Ending Hunger and Malnutrition”, “China’s Food Security Status and Experience on International Cooperative research” separately.
Also presentations by young scientists, young entrepreneurs, and foreign scholars in English aroused hot applause.
In the afternoon section, round table discussion on “How YPARD China can help Chinese YPs more involved in international communication?” “How Chinese YPs can contribute to YPARD?” and “Agribusiness-Outlook and Potential” was held. Participants gathered in their interested topic and discussed hotly; each group came to a Group Summary which will help the YPARD development in China and also Chinese YPs engagement in YPARD.
This YPARD China conference proved to be a great success and started the cooperation of YPARD and CAAS. It also had significant value in promoting to Chinese young scientists participants the international communication and cooperation. We are confident to wish and wait for the brighter future of YPARD China and Chinese Young Professionals!
More pictures on YPARD Facebook page and more information about the outcomes of the day, to come soon!
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