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Welcoming YPARD South Africa representative: Shakespear Mudombi

YPARD is glad to welcome its new YPARD South Africa representative: Shakespear Mudombi.

Shakespear is a doctoral student based at the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (Faculty of Economics & Finance) of Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, South Africa. His research interests include: ICTs,  agricultural technology adoption, science, technology and innovation (STI) systems, climate change information and knowledge transfer.

He was awarded a Climate Change Innovation grant by the African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) in 2011 and also a co-investigating research in the 2011 START Grants for Global Environmental Change Research in Africa.

He also worked as research consultant; agricultural economist and project manager; he is currently searching for a new job opportunity.

Shakespear holds a Master of Science degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics (he was  in the first cohort of the AERC funded Collabrative Masters Program in Agricultural and Applied Economics in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa) and Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Economics.

Shakespear is active with YPARD from beginning of 2011. He attended the AfricaAdapt Symposium on Climate Change in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 9th to 12th March, 2011, on behalf of YPARD. You can read the report : A Youth Perspective on Climate Change Opportunities And Challenges For Climate Resilient DEVELOPMENT - YPARD Africa , by Shakespear Mudombi, Emmanuel Nzeyimana and Anke Weisheit (2011)

If you are based in South Africa and want to get involved in YPARD South Africa activities, please do contact him directly.

Welcome on board Shakespear!


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2024年9月23日, 星期一

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