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Welcoming YPARD Youth-leader communications champion, Emmie Kio

Emmie Kio

YPARD is delighted to welcome Emmie Kio as a remote Youth-leader communications champion, to support YPARD Global Coordination Unit’s communications activities.

Emmie Kio is an International development practitioner specializing in Agricultural Development, Communications and Social Media. As a seasoned agricultural writer, Emmie helps communicate on Agricultural activities in Kenya and beyond – especially on those activities that are sustainable from an Economic, Environmental and Social standpoint.

She is a strong believer and promoter of healthy societies that provide safer and better opportunities for all to maximize their potential. Her areas of interests include; Food Security, Climate Change, Nutrition, Sustainable Development, Agricultural Innovations, Urban farming, Social Media for Agriculture and ICTs in agriculture.

Emmie is very familiar with the work of YPARD. You may remember Emmie for her energetic and sound comments and style as a remote Social Media Intern in 2013. She has also been one of our strong youth voices in key global agricultural development conferences, as part of YPARD Delegation during GCARD2, the Global Conference for Agricultural Research for Development.

Emmie has what it takes not only to support YPARD’s online communications activities but also, to be a true leader who will help uplift the community, on an international level, with insightful contributions, support, and passion for the topic. This is what we need to change the statu quo and get young professionals fully involved as agents of change in agriculture! Emmie will help us get more Young professionals in Agriculture actively on board by contributing to mentor and empower them with strong capacities, through communications activities.

A warm welcome, Emmie - "let's rock and roll"!

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2024年9月23日, 星期一

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