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Where is youth’s input for Forests Asia Development?

Not sure the five selected youth moderators for the ForestsAsia Summit’s Youth Session were expecting such an important role when applying. They are thoroughly preparing the event, with putting together discussions topics and pertinent questions; they moderate e-discussions, and design tailored facilitation methods and tools for the session’s round-tables. Isn’t it what it takes to lead relevant collective solutions and bring forward serious development actions?

A number of young people and youth supporters will indeed soon join together at the ForestsAsia youth session, to discuss the role of the youth in Forests Asia Development. The discussions will particularly focus on the five topics of the summit, and bring a youth perspective to it.

Mind you, the discussions are going beyond the doors of the session room; they have been kicked off online, for YOU. We particularly invite those who won’t be able to attend the session onsite to contribute! These are no plain talks; this will be fed into the ForestsAsia Summit.

The youth moderators are waiting for your insights and would bring them along during the ?#?ForestsAsia Youth session discussions. Join before it is too late! Provide them with your insights; give them the credit to talk on behalf of you all, SouthEast Asia Youth-in-Forestry!

We followed the same process at the GLFCOP19, last November, where the Master of Ceremony had made a great job in feeding the session with references to online feedbacks. This went all through the closing session of the conference.

You have here the mean to express yourself and have an impact, wherever you sit! Grab the chance, for your own individual and collective benefit!

Join the five e-discussions:

L’Oreal, Nestlé (& other companies) are committing to zero deforestation…but where are the youth? [Investing in landscapes for green returns]

What can young people do to encourage good governance of Southeast Asia’s forests? [Governance and legal frameworks to promote sustainable landscapes]

How can youth promote the importance of SE Asia’s forest foods? [Forest landscapes for food and biodiversity]

What skills do youth need for future climate change careers? [Climate change and low emissions development on the ground]

How can youth work with local communities to achieve development outcomes? [Changing communities, sustainable landscapes and equitable development]

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