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World Forestry Congress' Youth Program - Get involved!

Yana, Ivana, Zrinka, YPARD national representatives

The presence and involvement of the global youth community has been prioritized at the XIV World Forestry Congress. It offers to the youth a great opportunity to engage in scientific and policy deliberations on forestry issues like never before!

Young people will be engaged throughout the Congress process. It will enable vital youth contributions that stem from debates among peers as well as inter-generational discussions on the most pressing issues facing forests and forestry.

Multi-sectoral discussions are key to respond to global environmental issues while ensuring sustainable livelihoods! Get involved as we liaise with professionals to design pathways for sustainable development and to maintain and enhance the many benefits, products, goods and services that forests provide.

Join us in Durban to express your concerns and ideas, such as your own youth-in-agriculture's perspectives, challenges and solution you see to build a sustainable future for forests!

Joining us at the Congress!

If you’re coming to the XIV WFC, join us at the following events:

Youth pre-congress event – What do we want to achieve?

This is the youth delegation orientation program of the congress. During the event, youth delegates will discuss plans on how to facilitate overall engagement of young people across all the dialogues and processes of the Congress week. Additionally, youth delegates will learn about networking and making the best of their presence at the Congress.

Workshop – “Can youth demonstrate cross-sectorial competencies?” 

Debates and inter-generational discussions will take place on the topic and participants will also discuss how to enrich the learning processes and experiences of young people in the sector.

Youth Special Event - Forests for the Future

Organized by young people for young people, the Forests for the Future event has the specific aim of bringing the youth perspective to the Congress. As vital stakeholders in the process of sustainable development, participants will debate the forestry issues of greatest concern to young people and generate actionable ideas, helping to define the way forward for forests and forestry.

Become a Youth Speaker!

Would you like to be a youth speaker during the youth special event at the XIV WFC? We are looking for passionate and inspiring youth speakers to make a TEDx-style presentation at the youth special event during the XIV WFC. If you are involved in a youth-led initiative or project established and run by young people to engage communities, we want to hear from you! Check out the call for youth speakers

Participating online!

There are many ways to get involved in the congress' activities online!

Calling for Youth Blog posts!

Showcase your youth-led forestry projects by submitting a blog post and taking part in the #Forests2015 Blog Competition!

Join Forests2015 Social Media Team!

Are you familiar with things like “Twitter”, “Facebook”, “blogging”, “vlogging”, “podcasting”,…? Join the #Forests2015 social media team! This is a powerful mean to share your specific youth perspectices and show the world that young people are on the forefront for a sustainable future, with great ideas and initiatives!

Send your inspiring pictures!

1/ Would you like to show everyone the vibrant youth community that is behind the WFC? Take part in the ‘I (We) love forests too!’ campaign and help promote youth presence and involvement in the XIV World Forestry Congress. To participate, you should only: 

  1. Take a picture of yourself either alone or in-group hugging a tree/ posing with a tree/ kissing a tree
  2. Share the photo via any social media network (e.g. Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn) adding the message or a variation of the following message: ‘I (We) love forests too!’, the hashtags #Y4Forests2015 and #Forests2015 and the link to the XIV World Forestry Congress' Official Youth Program Page:

2/ Enter the Forests and People Photo Contest to help raise awareness about the importance of forests for people today and for generations to come, and you could win a trip to the Congress!

Spread the word

Share this announcement to anyone you know who might like to learn more about the XIV World Forestry Congress Youth Program, and help spread the word on social media with the official WFC2015 hashtag: #Forests2015 + #youth

Register now for the WFC2015.

Stay updated through the Official WFC2015's youth program page. and the WFC social reporters blog.

Learn more about the World Forestry Congress.

Picture credit: Hansjurg Jager 

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