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yil-youth-sesh-2016This session will explore the migration of people from rural to urban areas through a series of personal stories delivered by people who have experienced migration, are longing to migrate, and work in the area of migration.

Using experiential storytelling and innovative design sprint methodology, participants will work together to understand the underlying challenges presented in the stories, brainstorm possible solutions and prototype a number of those solutions. The session will be carried out as a facilitated intergenerational dialogue, with participants expected from a range of geographies, backgrounds and ages.

Find the original post on the CFS website.

The race to feed the world’s population has started, Preeti Ahuja, Sector Manager for the World Bank, told those gathered at a Side Event of the 43rd session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). The topic of the event, “Policies for Effective Rural Transformation, Agricultural and Food System Transition” is based on this indisputable fact.

Find the original blogpost on the CFS website.

Investing in agriculture is not enough to reduce poverty because the rural poor are often engaged in multiple economic activities. While pro-poor growth starts with agriculture, reducing rural poverty requires increasing the productivity of small-scale agriculture, creating jobs, fostering economic diversification and investing in people.

Find the original blogpost on the CFS website.

Al igual que los Transformers (como los de la película), que pueden cambiar de forma para cumplir distintas tareas, la pequeña agricultura puede también transformarse para cumplir diversas funciones, más allá de su rol de productor de alimentos.

Nepalese agriculture system is mostly characterized by low level of investment and income with subsistence economy. Lands are increasingly fallowed and youth are out migrating from rural villages to Middle East and are earning less than US$ 200 a month. However, there is a small but growing number of progressive youths and professionals have come up with agri-entrepreneurship as their profession.