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Nanotechnology has the power to rethink what food or beverage can be or do. But what path do we want to take? INL invites stakeholders to food for thought with the periodic table on the table.

Nanotechnology is the Next Dimension. This emerging discipline represents a new dimension for scientists, industries and entrepreneurs. All of them will search into Nanotechnology for new applications and solutions to some of the big dilemmas of the humakind like the food Industry. In this aim NanoDigest has ambitions to debate the nano implementation into food traceability, sensory experience, flavors of data, new value chains (3D food printing ect.) and connection of health and food.

FAO Director-General stresses the role of trade in ensuring global food security and adaptation to climate changeA market in Boulder, Colorado, USA.Declining prices could thwart international efforts to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty unless steps are taken to guarantee decent incomes and livelihoods for small-scale producers, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today.

Globally, food prices are believed to be back to their long-term downward trend in real terms, as supply growth outpaces demand.

It could soon be time to embrace your ugly side as disfigured eggplants, ridiculous potatoes, grotesque apples and ugly carrots could soon hit a supermarket – all in hope that it will cut down on food waste.

Sold at a 20 to 30 percent discount to their perfect counterparts, the operation was a hit.

The European Citizens Initiative striving for soil protection was launched on the 22nd of September in Turin, Italy. 

Soils are facing numerous threats, from erosion and loss of organic matter to urbanisation and contamination, to name just a few. Degraded soils result in negative impacts on human health, food security, biodiversity and climate - and all summed up on our economy as well.

Let’s start this article with a well-known song from Michael Jackson “Man In The Mirror”. It doesn’t matter in which country, region or city you live, as we are all affected by one of the most recently discussed topics related with the environment that we live in, our health, economy... Climate Change is part of our daily life and we are part of it.

In 2015 YEE started the Climate Campaign. In 2016, in cooperation with EDEN Center, YEE has brought the campaign back. Under the new motto “Change Climate Change”, the campaign aims to encourage youth NGOs, local groups and individuals to bring up their contribution to the global social movement for stronger action in response to climate change. 

Finding a scholarship is easier than you might think. Here are some tips on getting a scholarship, including what you should look out for in your application.

The earlier you start your research, the sooner you can get support. And don't be afraid about not finding suitable scholarships. Just ignore all the misconceptions about scholarships you might have and focus on your application. Because when you have support you can focus wholly on your studies. Many organisations have one deadline per year. If you miss this you will have to wait another year before you can apply.

Only two weeks to go and the Committee for Food Security 43rd session kicks off in Rome Italy.  Under the theme Making a Difference in Food Security and Nutrition, the session looks at discussig and adopting policy discussions that will propel the sustainable agenda and the food security agenda Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security and Nutrition, including the Role of Livestock as well as Connecting Smallholders to Markets.