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After eight exciting days in field, the  Learning Route: Innovative ideas and approaches to integrate Rural Youth in Agriculture the progress in Kenya came to a close on the 18th of August in Nairobi, Kenya. The Learning Route brought together 22 "ruteros”(route participants), with over one half of them being women, from various IFAD-supported projects, implementing partners and civil society organizations working in different capacities at the local and national governments and non-governmental organizations involved in improving rural livelihoods.We had representations from Haiti, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Swaziland, Mozambique, South Sudan, Kenya and France. The aim of including participants from all over Africa and part of Latin America and the Caribbean, is to foster south to south cooperation and to share the learning as widely as possible and to facilitate relationships between those working in rural youth and gender related projects.

“I’m here to acquire knowledge and skills on how to actively involve the youth in the projects that we are currently implementing and on how to make them enterprise owners. I am very excited as well to see firsthand the Kenyan experience on innovative strategies and approaches to engage rural youth in agriculture, increase employment and reduce poverty” said Linda Magombo-Munthali from the IFAD funded Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme (RLEEP) in Malawi.

The Thought For Food (TFF) Challenge has officially started! Over 100 teams from all continents are already on board, ready to uproot the status quo and make the world a better place. Out of that 100…..there are only 5 Caribbean teams! Why?! Big ideas come from small places! Enter and represent our part of the world!

Thought For Food is a global movement of the world’s most innovative youth who take the lead in solving the biggest challenge facing our generation: how to feed 9 billion people by the year 2050? TFF is building an army of changemakers from all fields of study dedicated to making the world a better place.

#THANKS2FF YPARD Twitter Contest

The #THANKS2FF (“Thanks to Family Farmers”) YPARD Twitter Contest was launched on the 25th of September, 2014 in homage to the young professionals’ role in Family Farming in eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition and improving livelihoods.

Con el fin de promover el debate y generar conciencia sobre la problemática de los agricultores familiares, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), en colaboración con la Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC) organizaron,  entre el 25 de agosto y el 12 de septiembre,  una consulta virtual regional sobre “Comunicación para el desarrollo, los medios comunitarios y las TIC para la agricultura familiar y el desarrollo rural en América Latina” . 

Los participantes fueron invitados a compartir sus ideas y opiniones, buscando ayudar a forjar el futuro de la comunicación para el desarrollo rural en la zona. 

Eight teams of young application developers, coming from six Caribbean countries took part in the Regional Finals of the AgriHack Talent competition at the Caribbean Week of Agriculture in Paramaribo, Suriname from 5 – 9 October 2014. During the various sessions at the finals, the participants received advice from experts in agriculture and ICT, and they also had to fine-tune the agriculture applications that they have developed. The last sprint was to pitch and present their products before an audience comprising of participants attending the Caribbean Week of Agriculture and the Jury. On the evening of 9th October 2014, the winners of the 2014 AgriHack Talent Caribbean was announced during a cocktail organised on the occasion of CTA’s 30th Anniversary.

And the winners are: