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“Big events like the Forests Asia Summit and GLF in Peru will educate many important actors working in forestry and environmental sectors around the world on how important youth are, especially in tackling current environmental issues,” said Aristia Hady Wanjaya, one of the inspiring youth moderators at the Forests Asia Summit held in Jakarta in May 2014. 

After the big success of the 2013 Global Landscapes Forum and the 2014 Forests Asia Summit’s youth sessions, and ahead of the youth activities at December’s GLF2014  in Peru, we catch up with the young speakers, facilitators and moderators who were involved in the GLF2013 and the 2014 Forest Asia Summit’s youth sessions to find out how these youth champion’s career paths have evolved and their advices to upcoming youth leaders and participants in the 2014 GLF. 

tvebiomovies is a film competition now in its fifth year, and open to everyone around the world with access to a camera. You could receive US$300 to produce a one-minute film about the environment. Which bit of the environment? Choose a category and decide. Your film could be funny or serious, an animation, a drama or a documentary.

To cast your vote, visit and you’ll be able to choose the film you want to watch. There’s something for everyone; animation, documentary, music and comedy. Click to watch and register your vote.

Nepalese agriculture is typically characterized by small holder, traditional and subsistence farming; however, recent declines in agricultural production have depressed rural economies and increased widespread hunger and urban migration.The government policy is generally focused to the agricultural diversification and commercialization for broad based growth and poverty reduction. However, the smallholder family farmers are still greatly deprived and there is no any appropriate alternative approach and programs to address the issues.

Supporting International Year of Family Farming 2014 theme “FEEDING THE WORLD, CARING THE EARTH,” YPARD Nepal calls for photo contest from all Nepali citizens to give strong voice for family farmers to build strong recognition and to increase supports on IYFF14 campaign. The photo must visualize the strength, potential, contribution and challenges that family farmers met in their diversity. All the photo entries will undergo jury judgment first and selected photos will undergo public voting. The wining photos will be awarded on National Youth Forum on Agro-based Entrepreneurship Development (#NYFAED15) in January 2015 and will be published on #NYFAED15 proceeding.

AgriYouthVest Africa (AYVA) was formed as a developmental campaign by a team of sustainable human development enthusiasts participating in the Thought For Food challenge.

We are currently seeking at least two individuals from each country in Sub-Sahara Africa to participate in an agricultural survey that we are conducting, findings of which are due to be presented on November 21, 2014. The ideal individual is anyone directly or indirectly involved in Agriculture.

Please log-in to be able to leave a comment below, or register on!e-discussion on YOUTH	 and LAND POLICY IN AFRICACognizant of the centrality of land policy issues in Africa, the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) was established in 2006 as a joint initiative of the African Union Commission (AUC), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

To date the highlight achievement of the LPI has been the development of a Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa (F&G), adopted by the African Ministers responsible for land in April 2009, and further endorsed by African Heads of State and Government through a Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa during the 13th Assembly of the African Union in July 2009. During this Session, the Heads of States and Government of the AU resolve to 'ensure that land laws provide for equitable access to land and related resources among all land users including the youth and other landless and vulnerable groups such as displaced persons.'

The James Beard Foundation and Food Tank, along with a prestigious advisory group of food system experts, developed the first annual “Good Food Org Guide.” This definitive Guide highlights nonprofit organizations that are doing exemplary work in the United States in the areas of food and agriculture, nutrition and health, hunger and obesity, and food justice. Only nonprofit, scholarly, and municipal initiatives have been selected in order to spotlight efforts that are focused on community building and engagement, advocacy, and service.