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Welcoming YPARD representative for Brazil: Rebeca Souza!

We are delighted to welcome a new YPARD representative in the region of Latin America and the Carribean (YPARD-LAC): Rebeca Souza, YPARD country representative for Brazil! Rebeca is an economist very much passionate about encouraging young people, enhacing human development and promoting food and nutrition security. She holds a Masters Degree in International Development and has a very diversified work experience... More

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  • Brazil
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  678 Hits
678 Hits

Social media: Business as usual?

Throughout the Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW6) I have been a big consumer of AASW6 Blog and #AASW6 Tweets. I retweeted and interacted as much as I could from Italy. That was my way to participate. With a theme like “Africa feeding Africa,” what, supposedly, would I have been able to do there on-site? The over 40 young professionals invited from YPARD Africa to report... More

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  670 Hits
670 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Country representative for Georgia : Davit Gogilashvili

We are delighted to welcome Davit Gogilashvili as YPARD representative for Georgia. Let me give Davit the floor, in order for him to introduce himself to you: "Dear YPARD family members, let me briefly introduce myself as a country representative of Georgia in this wonderful community. I am Davit Gogilashvili from Tbilisi, Georgia.  I graduated from Agricultural University of Georgia on... More

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  • Georgia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  768 Hits
768 Hits

A dedicated newsletter on Youth in Agriculture, by World Farmers' Organisation!

You will enjoy the World Farmers' Organisation Newsletter for June 2013: a series of articles about youth by youth from all around the world, telling their experience in agriculture! The magazine explores young farmers' situation in global context. We then go through several cases of young professionals in agriculture in France (with the AFDI - agence francaise de développement), Argentina, Uganda,... More

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  499 Hits
499 Hits

YPARD – Ensuring an inclusive youth contribution to the AASW

Blogpost by Marina Cherbonnier and Peter Casier, two AASW social reporters. Blog post originally posted on The FARA-AASW Blog. Meet Marina Cherbonnier, the YPARD Web and Communications Officer. I call her a “can-do-it-all” ball of energy. She has a background in ICT4D (University of Manchester, UK) and in information and documentation sciences (UCO, Angers, France). She previously was an intern at... More

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  0 Hits
0 Hits

Welcome to Sokhna Rokhaya, YPARD Senegal representative!

YPARD is delighted to welcome its new YPARD representative for Senegal: Sokhna Rokhaya. Rokhaya is a 29 years old young Senegalese woman with two children. She is a sociologist and she is specialized in the field of Family, Women, Education and African Environment. She is currently a PhD student researcher at the University Gaston Berger of Saint Louis. She started her... More

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  • Senegal
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  917 Hits
917 Hits

Welcoming Divine Ntiokam, YPARD Cameroon representative!

YPARD welcomes Divine Ntiokam as YPARD Cameroon Representative. Divine is a 30 years old, very enthusiastic person about youth advocacy to ensure the proper well-being of future generations.  His dream has been to see how he could empower young people throughout the globe with regards to environmental sustainability.  He was able to get involved in the coordination of a variety of... More

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  • Cameroon
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  821 Hits
821 Hits

Welcoming Ibrahima Sory Youla, YPARD Guinea representative!

YPARD is delighted to welcome Ibrahima Sory Youla, YPARD representative for Guinea. These are some words from Ibrahima for you to get to know him: "If one were to ask my friends to describe me, it would describe me as a very pleasant young, dynamic, diverse, active, and eager for a sustainable agricultural development. I think one of my most distinguishing... More

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  • Guinea
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  709 Hits
709 Hits

Welcoming Safiul Azam as YPARD Bangladesh representative!

We are glad to welcome Safiul Azam as official YPARD Country representative for Bangladesh. Azam has a dynamic research career with five years experience as an academic staff member. He conducts researches works on plant science, agricultural biotechnology and climate change with national and international collaborations. He is one of the International Climate Champion 2010 by British Council Bangladesh which geared... More

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  796 Hits
796 Hits

Sharing my notes from the Technical Online Communicators Workshop 2013

YPARD was invited at the TOCS2013 - Technical Online Communicators' Workshop organized by CGIAR on 27-31 May 2013. Three young people in “web4agriculture” and members of YPARD were waived the fee for the workshop and therefore benefited from this unique opportunity to strengthen their technical skills and practices as young web communicators. This chance not only opened the door to a... More

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  • Italy
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  701 Hits
701 Hits

Youth’s stake in the CGIAR Dryland Systems CRP 1.1 !

YPARD was invited as a partner and official representative of the youth during the CRP1.1 launching, held on 21-23 May 2013, in Amman, Jordan (CGIAR -ICARDA), to discuss the importance of the youth in the implementation of the CGIAR CRP1.1 on Dryland Systems to achieve its impact. It was only about giving some general hints on how youth’s involvement could be... More

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  • Jordan
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  891 Hits
891 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Social Media intern, Emmie Kio!

YPARD is glad to welcome Emmie Kio as remote YPARD Social Media Intern for 3 months, 10 hours a week. Emmie will take part in strengthening YPARD Social Media strategy and support information sharing and interaction through social media platforms such as Facebook group and page, Linkedin group, Twitter and more! Emmie Kio is from Kenya. She holds a bachelor of... More

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  • Kenya
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  725 Hits
725 Hits

Welcoming a new YPARD Steering Committee member: Danielle Nierenberg!

YPARD is glad to welcome a new Steering Committee member:  Danielle Nierenberg. Danielle is an expert on sustainable agriculture and food issues and has written extensively on gender and population, the spread of factory farming in the developing world, and innovations in sustainable agriculture. She currently is the co-founder of FoodTank: The Food Think Tank . From 2009-2012, Danielle was the Director of... More

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  813 Hits
813 Hits

YPARD Web4Knowledge intern, Apeh Omede, joining the team!

We are delighted to welcome Apeh Omede as Web4Knowledge intern at YPARD. Apeh will provide support in posting information on while learning how to use Drupal Content Management System and optimize information services online. He will be working remotely 10 hours a week for 3 months (renewable). Apeh Omede is an active YPARD member from Nigeria and currently on Australian... More

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1001 Hits
1001 Hits

Welcoming YPARD representative for Uzbekistan - Sitora Khabibova!

YPARD welcomes YPARD representative for Uzbekistan: Sitora Khabibova! Sitora Khabibova is a graduate of the Russian academy of Economics named after G.V.Plekhanov in Tashkent. She studied Business and Business administration with a major in Finance and credit, from 2004 to 2008. After University she was employed by a consulting company and the Asian Development Bank for different projects and as interpreter.... More

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  • Uzbekistan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  995 Hits
995 Hits

Towards better networking and collaboration for the Youth in agriculture: join AgriVIVO 1.0 !

To enable better networking and collaboration in agriculture, AgriVIVO, managed by the GFAR Secretariat and developed jointly with Cornell University and FAO, has been launched:  AgriVIVO is a search portal built to facilitate connections between all actors in the agricultural field, bridging across separately hosted directories and online communities. YPARD, convinved that this is a great mean for Young Professionals to connect... More

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  930 Hits
930 Hits

Welcoming YPARD representative for Moldova - Sergiu Mihailov!

YPARD welcomes YPARD representative for Moldova: Sergiu Mihailov Sergiu Mihailov became a YPARD member in 2012 together with other young professionals from the agricultural field, in Moldova. He believes that through a joint cooperation between private farmers, civil society (NGO-s), research institutions and other key actors from the entire agricultural system, it is possible to achieve a sustainable development of the... More

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  • Republic of Moldova
  1092 Hits
1092 Hits

Welcoming YPARD representative for Serbia - Ivana Radic!

YPARD welcomes Ivana Radic, YPARD Country Representative for Serbia. Ivana Radic fell into the field of agriculture at her first age : her mother was the manager of a big and successful agricultural cooperative, and later her father started running a pig and cattle farm. She entered the Faculty of Agriculture although this was not the path expected by people she... More

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  • Serbia
  959 Hits
959 Hits

Welcoming YPARD representative for Kyrgyztan - Meerim Shakirova!

YPARD welcomes Meerim Shakirova as YPARD Country Representative for Kyrgyzstan. Meerim Shakirova was born and raised in Kyrgyzstan. When Meerim was 16, she moved to Moscow and started her active role in the international sphere, which has allowed her to play leadership roles as a global youth leader, climate change consultant and educator. Meerim has received scholarships from the Kyrgyz government... More

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  • Kyrgyzstan
  745 Hits
745 Hits

Welcoming YPARD representative for Iran - Mohammadreza Davari!

YPARD welcomes YPARD representative for Iran: Mohammadreza Davari. Mohammadreza Davari has completed his PhD degree in Agronomy from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in 2009. After completion of his education he has been engaging in research and teaching at university as well as in voluntary work with young in environmental NGOs. SabzAndishan Arak and Kimiyaye sabz are two of these NGOs (website... More

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  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  720 Hits
720 Hits