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Welcoming YPARD Youth-leader communications champion, Emmie Kio

YPARD is delighted to welcome Emmie Kio as a remote Youth-leader communications champion, to support YPARD Global Coordination Unit’s communications activities. Emmie Kio is an International development practitioner specializing in Agricultural Development, Communications and Social Media. As a seasoned agricultural writer, Emmie helps communicate on Agricultural activities in Kenya and beyond – especially on those activities that are sustainable from an Economic, Environmental... More
  839 Hits
839 Hits

World Forestry Congress' Youth Program - Get involved!

The presence and involvement of the global youth community has been prioritized at the XIV World Forestry Congress. It offers to the youth a great opportunity to engage in scientific and policy deliberations on forestry issues like never before! Young people will be engaged throughout the Congress process. It will enable vital youth contributions that stem from debates among peers as... More

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  • South Africa
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  768 Hits
768 Hits

Are you a social media lover? Join YPARD SMT!

Communications - social media particularly – are crucial towards building a sustainable future. If you doubt it, try us and join the YPARD Social media Team! What is the YPARD Social Media Team (SMT)? YPARD SMT is an online group of more than 200 people: individuals or representatives of their organizations. The purpose of the group is to use social media... More
  904 Hits
904 Hits

Tired of forgetting your password? Use Social Media Login on!

Belonging to a community is great; we all love social movements, especially online networks and connecting with peers all around the world! The pain is – yes, there is one - to remember all your passwords! There are two possible scenarios: You are still to join YPARD as a new user? Then, register by using the social media icon, on the top... More
  705 Hits
705 Hits

Employers tell what they want from you(th)

Five employers participated to the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. They were representing different stakeholders:  the Czech NGO: "people in need", the GRET, Myelen: a microfinance/microcredit agency, Superior: a seed company in Serbia, IFAD: the International Fund for agricultural development.  They mentioned... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  676 Hits
676 Hits

Alumni: how we got employed

Young Professionals from different regions of the world were invited to share their experience of job hunting, during the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. "I didn't apply for many jobs; I wanted to keep a focus, target and apply for those jobs... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  706 Hits
706 Hits

Are you employable? - TIPS from YPARD members

YPARD Community was solicited to share their “employability tips” through E-discussions prior to the YPARD and Agrinatura career fair, September 16, Prague. What were the “musts” during your job seeking?What was the “secret” of your success in getting employed?What are the strong points your manager appreciate the most of you? “There are three key aspects to take in account: You, Your... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  900 Hits
900 Hits

Students, Young Professionals, Universities and Employers get together – YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair

Exploring how to match the needs and the resources of the job market; this was the purpose of the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. The fair gathered a majority of Master and Phd students, some young professionals and employers and university professors.... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  929 Hits
929 Hits

YPARD Europe responds to its challenges

Twenty young participants, sixteen countries represented; a swirl of passion, enthusiasm, dedication, drive, smartness and kindness all together - in brief: YPARD Europe very first face-to-face meeting. The goal of the YPARD Europe conference was to meet each other, to create synergies, to build stronger plans and refine concrete activities on national level, for each YPARD Country chapter, in the frame... More

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  952 Hits
952 Hits

Be entrepreneur; Create Opportunities!

What is it to be an entrepreneur? Being entrepreneur is about exercising “Freedom, Vision and Passion” – our panel of seven young entrepreneurs assert, during the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. Young people have many innovative ideas. At a time where precarity... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  872 Hits
872 Hits

Food: what makes agriculture sexy!

An european young professionals' experience Young professionals are motivated and willing to bring ideas to adapt to change. They enjoy working as inter-disciplinary teams which is crucial in designing solutions that answer inter-connected development issues. Through YPARD: the international network of young professionals for agricultural development, they gain the credibility to represent the youth around the world within agricultural stakeholders' discussions.... More
  1062 Hits
1062 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Cameroon representative: Nestor Ngouambé

We are delighted to welcome YPARD new national representative for Cameroon: Nestor Ngouambé. Nestor is Agro-economist. He is involved in agricultural research and rural development since 2009. During these last five years, he has contributed to the implementation of agricultural development projects related to transversal issues such as urban agriculture, environment, extension and advisory services, food security and most importantly youth’s... More

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  • Cameroon
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  869 Hits
869 Hits

Special slot for young web managers and online communicators in the #TOCS2014 Workshop !

“Online media is becoming increasingly important for any company, organisation or institute. If you don’t have an online presence, you don’t exist. Social media, websites, online data repositories, intranets, mobile technologies - all make our “online publishing” diverse and exciting. Today’s fast-paced online technology in an interactive and inter-connected world also means that “the work is never finished.” Peter Casier, the... More

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  • Italy
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  764 Hits
764 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Pakistan representative: Shahla Salah

We are delighted to welcome YPARD Representative for Pakistan: Shahla Salah Shahla is a brilliant, energetic, passionate and inspiring young woman in Agriculture.  She tells us more about her and addresses this message: “I belong to the valley of greenery field of rice wheat, sugarcane, maize, fruits, fountain & endless mountains. I still remember those innocent days of my childhood when I was... More

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  • Pakistan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1074 Hits
1074 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Azerbaijan representative: Nizami Imamverdiyev

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Azerbaijan: Nizami Imamverdiyev.  Nizami is an economist, with a Bachelor degree in Economic Theory from Baku State University, Azerbaijan. As a student he was a board member of the European Youth Organization AEGEE-Baku for six months in 2008. After finishing his Bachelor degree he did a Master in Economics... More

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  • Azerbaijan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  867 Hits
867 Hits

Youth in Forests Asia Summit: the end of the beginning

“It felt really good - like a privilege; it felt humbling; youth felt empowered, integrated, and they sensed collaboration was possible between young people and senior professionals, for tackling major forestry issues where youth can help drive solutions.” Yi Ying told me, as we were reviewing how successful Youth’s participation was during the Forests Asia Summit, Jakarta, Indonesia, 5-6 May 2014.... More

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  • Indonesia
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  910 Hits
910 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Web and Communications Officer – Amelia Ochoa

We are delighted to welcome Amelia Ochoa as YPARD Web and Communications Officer. Amelia is joining YPARD Global Coordination Unit for a period of 6 months. Amelia has a background in Audiovisual Communications and Hispanic Philology, from the University of Navarra, Spain. In 2010, she contributed to a Project on Mass media and NGO crisis as a researcher. They analysed the... More
  1124 Hits
1124 Hits

Feature as Young Guest Blogger for Farming First!

Deadline: 25 May 2014 Farming First! - That’s the name of a coalition of over 130 organisations. The coalition articulates actions towards sustainable agricultural development worldwide. It gathers multi-stakeholder representatives: world’s farmers, scientists, engineers and industry as well as agricultural development organisations. With one shared voice, Farming First highlights the importance of improving farmers’ livelihoods and agriculture’s potential contribution to global... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1177 Hits
1177 Hits

Where is youth’s input for Forests Asia Development?

Not sure the five selected youth moderators for the ForestsAsia Summit’s Youth Session were expecting such an important role when applying. They are thoroughly preparing the event, with putting together discussions topics and pertinent questions; they moderate e-discussions, and design tailored facilitation methods and tools for the session’s round-tables. Isn’t it what it takes to lead relevant collective solutions and bring... More

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  • Indonesia
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  1188 Hits
1188 Hits

What it takes to be a great facilitator

Lengthy presentations are a tired conference format. To come to concrete and effective solutions, we need lively and focused discussions with people of different views. But lively discussions need a glue to hold them together. And that glue is a moderator. What is a facilitator? It is the facilitator who sets the context, drives the discussion, and engages the audience in... More
  839 Hits
839 Hits