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Waving up to Machteld, intern with YPARD

Machteld Schoolenberg has just ended 6 months of internship with YPARD. She was working 8 hours a week as Web4knowledge intern, remotely, from the Netherlands. She dealt with information management on the YPARD website and social media. Machteld will be particularly missed for her excellent communication skills and strong ability to familiarize herself with the different ICTs she had to use.... More
  922 Hits
922 Hits

"Working towards a new generation of Young Professionals in ARD" report

YPARD - Young Professionals’ Platform in Agricultural Research for Development - wishes to contribute to the debate on change in formal higher agricultural education with integrating the views of young professionals. Indeed, the views of young professionals have not previously been included in discussions on curricula development. Therefore an YPARD study has been initiated in 2011. The report is now available... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  0 Hits
0 Hits

International ARD, local development and the youth, in Romania

YPARD was invited by the Young Professionals in Local Development (YPLD) to talk about international ARD and local development at “Raise the stake”, 18th February, Siret Romania. YPARD presented the importance of international ARD for local development, most importantly to assert the role of the youth in these mechanisms, and how YPARD can help the youth take and get their stake.... More

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  • Romania
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  426 Hits
426 Hits

YPARD China representative’s visit to YPARD Coordination Unit, Rome

YPARD China representative, Jieying Bi, came to visit YPARD Global Coordination Unit at the occasion of her attending to the conference on International Scientific Symposium on Food and Nutrition Security Information, FAO, January 2012. Jieying Bi is research assistant at CAAS. She was nominated YPARD China representative by the end of 2011. Bi has worked on having an active China focal... More

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  • China
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  770 Hits
770 Hits

YPARD is building the YPARD Europe platform, join the initiative!

CBO13113[RF] (c) YPARD is building the YPARD Europe platform. The YPARD European platform is part of the YPARD Global platform, following the same vision and mission: to work for a sustainably improved livelihood, worldwide, through dynamic Agricultural Research for Development, by serving as a platform through which young professionals can express their ideas and realise their full potential toward a dynamic... More

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  762 Hits
762 Hits

Welcome to our newest YPARD Steering Committee member!

YPARD is welcoming Nidhi Nagabhatla, the newest steering committee member. Nidhi is an Indian national, currently associated with the APEC- Climate Center in Korea working on climate change vulnerability and adaptation with real time climate data. She is a natural resource management expert with 12 years of multicultural and multinational experience in more than ten countries in Asia and Africa. She... More

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  • Republic of Korea
  966 Hits
966 Hits

Welcoming new YPARD Steering Committee members!

YPARD has welcomed two new steering committee members in November 2011: Codrin Paveliuc-Olariu and Emmanuel Nzeyimana.   Codrin Paveliuc-Olariu is Romanian. He is Policy Officer at Groupe de Bruges, a leading independent European think tank, and is being involved with some parts of the implementation of the EL-CAP, an e-learning course on the European Common Agricultural Policy. He is also an... More

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  • Romania
  1091 Hits
1091 Hits

Call for a new YPARD Steering Committee Member from the private sector (for profit)

The Young Professionals Platform for Agricultural Research for Development (YPARD) is seeking a new Steering Committee (SC) member from the private sector in agriculture to guide its strategic development.  YPARD serves as a medium for Young Professionals (YPs) in Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) to voice their views, exchange perspectives and work towards a more dynamic ARD.  YPARD has four strategic... More

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  • Italy
  939 Hits
939 Hits

World Food Prize; What next?...

When wearing my YPARD web and communications’ officer cap, I try to rather be a neutral moderator who, instead of saying her views, solicits other’s opinion with rather objective questions. I remove my cap for this following post and make it a bit more personal. Thoughts are my own. The World Food Prize 2011 is over... Former President Lula da Silva... More

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  • United States of America
  1036 Hits
1036 Hits

Conversation on “’Empowering Youth Leaders and Entrepreneurs in Agriculture Engagement and Innovation” - World Food Prize 2011

Summary by YPARD - World Food Prize 2011 session, Friday 14 October This conversation was promising to address YPARD’s main focus: Youth , through the lens of leadership and entrepreneurship skills enhancement for innovation in Agriculture. A panel of very inspiring young people and youth supporters took part: A bright young Indian entrepreneur, CEO of Digital Green: Rikin Gandhi A passionate... More

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  • United States of America
  1618 Hits
1618 Hits

Opening ceremony of YPARD Vietnam and Workshop on “Young scientists for Agricultural Development in Vietnam”

Dr. Ramasubbu Seenivasan from VIT University, India, Coordinator of YPARD Asia attended the opening ceremony of YPARD Vietnam office placed at Nong Lam University, on the 16 September 2011. He introduced YPARD activities to young scientists in Vietnam and asserted the willingness of YPARD Vietnam to implement intensive activities to support to young professionals as well as farmers in promotion of... More

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  • Vietnam
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  935 Hits
935 Hits

Giving a voice to young professionals through YPARD agricultural on-line events - Agriknowledge Share Fair 2011, Rome

Summary of YPARD's session on "Giving a voice to young professionals through YPARD agricultural on-line events" at Knowledge Share Fair I was rather delighted to head to my session with, fresh in mind, one of the last advices from the « Communities of Practice clinic » that I was just leaving: « First of all, launch informal discussions with people you envisage... More

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  919 Hits
919 Hits

YPARD at The World Food Prize – focusing on “the Next Generation”!

YPARD will be attending The World Food Prize in conjunction with the “Borlaug Dialogue international symposium on “The Next Generation” and the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute, from October 12 to 15, 2011, Des Moines, Iowa.   The World Food Prize is an international award given to those whose work has significantly improved food quality, quantity or availability. The World... More

Custom fields

  • United States of America
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  828 Hits
828 Hits

Giving a voice to young professionals through YPARD agricultural on-line events - Agriknowledge Share Fair 2011, Rome

Summary of YPARD's session on "Giving a voice to young professionals through YPARD agricultural on-line events" at Knowledge Share Fair I was rather delighted to head to my session with, fresh in mind, one of the last advices from the « Communities of Practice clinic » that I was just leaving: « First of all, launch informal discussions with people you envisage... More

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  0 Hits
0 Hits

Preparing the workshop on “Young scientist for Agricultural Development in Vietnam”, 16 September 2011

For increasing and confident the relationship in study and research of young scientists, the Research institute for Biotechnology and Environment belonging to Nong Lam University is organizing a workshop on “Young scientist for Agricultural Development in Vietnam” on 16 September, 2011 in association with Young Professional Platform for Agricultural Research for Development (YPARD). The workshop program will include research and keynote,... More

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  • Vietnam
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  1092 Hits
1092 Hits

Mapping training for young agricultural graduates, 29th August- 2nd September 2011, now underway in Kenya

The Kenya mapping workshop is underway, with 30 young professionals excitedly learning GIS skills to become more competitive in the field of ARD.  Attendees come from many different parts of Kenya, from the capital Nairobi, to the Western region in the town of Eldoret to the northern region, in Mandera.  Several expectations from the training were expressed at the beginning, ranging... More

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  • Kenya
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  1054 Hits
1054 Hits

YPARD picture database - General call to all of you, YPARD members or supporters!!

YPARD is constantly working in sensitizing and informing different stakeholders on the key role of Young Professionals in Agricultural Research.Picture is a fundamental element for attracting attention, increasing visibility and awareness, and disseminating information.We are collecting pictures representing YPs from everywhere in the world. This can be a YP in a field, in a laboratory, in a conference... with crops, equipment...... More
  700 Hits
700 Hits