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Welcoming the new YPARD Belgium communications focal point Ángela Patricia Guerrero Castillo

We are delighted to welcome the incoming YPARD Belgium communications focal point: Ángela Patricia Guerrero Castillo.  Ángela is a graduate with a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito and a Bachelor in Mechatronic Engineering from Universidad de San Buenaventura in Bogotá, Colombia. Currently, Ángela is a Ph.D. student in Precision Agriculture at Ghent University in Ghent,... More

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  • Belgium
  1221 Hits
1221 Hits

Welcoming the new YPARD Belgium representative: Michael Ruggeri

We are delighted to welcome the YPARD Belgium Country Representative Michael Ruggeri.  Michael holds a master’s degree in Rural and Agricultural Development from the University of East Anglia, preceded by another master’s degree in Environment and International Development from “La Sapienza” University. Among other things, Michael has recently collaborated with FAO on the preparation of the State of the World’s Biodiversity for... More

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  • Belgium
  1068 Hits
1068 Hits

Enough talk, let´s act - engaging youth in agriculture

For the past few years, YPARD and its partner organizations have conducted a series of activities to support young people in agriculture. Our mission is to enable and empower young agricultural leaders shaping sustainable food systems. To achieve this we have our members at heart, who are encouraged to become active voices for the youth in their respective fields and organizations... More

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  • Germany
  819 Hits
819 Hits

Welcoming the new YPARD Azerbaijan communications focal point Ramil Azmammadov

We are delighted to welcome the incoming YPARD Azerbaijan communications focal point Ramil Azmammadov.  Ramil studied a BA in Agriculture Management and MA in Management of Production Systems at Azerbaijan State Agriculture University. While he studied MA in Management of Production Systems, he received a scholarship from the Hungarian Republic and FAO to study a second master's degree in Hungary. In... More

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  • Azerbaijan
  967 Hits
967 Hits

YPARD representation at the EFARD management team

In a bid to ensure a diverse representation of young people in various executive meetings and committees YPARD has nominated Kristina Kuznetsova as the new YPARD Representative in the European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD) management team. What is the European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD)? EFARD is an umbrella network of European research and non- research... More

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  • Ukraine
  1169 Hits
1169 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Brazil country representative: Marina Demaria Venâncio

we are delighted to welcome Marina Demaria Venâncio as the new Country Representative for Brazil! Marina is currently doing her Ph.D. in ecological and human rights at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil). She holds a master’s degree in environmental law and a bachelor’s degree in law from the same university and has attended courses and programs on topics... More

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  • Brazil
  1098 Hits
1098 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Azerbaijan country representative: Parviz Yusifov

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Azerbaijan country representative Parviz Yusifov. Parviz received his high school education in Lekchiplaq village, in Goycay. As a newly independent state, the strategy of Azerbaijan was to develop the oil and gas sector to receive fast revenues, but it resulted in disregard towards agriculture and the environment. It was the driving factor for Parviz to... More

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  • Azerbaijan
  1254 Hits
1254 Hits

YPARD Serbia media highlight – spreading the news

For a year now, YPARD Serbia has been trying to promote its achievements through web and TV media. That led us to many partnerships and support by young farmers and associations. By the end of April, we got a call from “eKapija” reporter, a very followed web portal in Serbia, to have an interview about YPARD Serbia and young farmers in... More

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  • Serbia
  900 Hits
900 Hits

Welcoming the new YPARD France communications focal point: Isaline Réguer

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD France communications focal point:  Isaline Réguer Isaline is pursuing a Master’s degree in Agronomy in Bordeaux Sciences Agro, in France. She is specializing in Territorial Economy and Agricultural Development. Her goal is to work with a holistic approach to enhance and strengthen agricultural practices and policies better for the environment and for human well-being.... More
  3006 Hits
3006 Hits

Reinforcing partnerships and the way forward - YPARD, AGRINATURA, and the SIMPLE project

On January 9 and 10, 2019, The AGRINATURA board members met at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague in the building of Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences to discuss future steps towards sustainable agriculture. The Agrinatura Association is a grouping of European universities and research organizations with a common interest in supporting the development of agriculture in a sustainable way and... More

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  • Czech Republic
  799 Hits
799 Hits

YPARD at Tropentag 2018 - Sharing information and connecting early career scientist

On Sunday, September 16th, 2018, YPARD implemented its interactive workshop at the Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Research in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development - TROPENTAG. This years workshop was organized at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Campus Coupure in the University of Ghent, Belgium and was held as a part of the pre-conference activities. The objective... More

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  • Belgium
  811 Hits
811 Hits

Call for applicants - YPARD Belgium country representative

YPARD Belgium is seeking for a young, innovative and fresh spirited professional to take on the role of a Country Representative (CR) and continue its work on youth in agriculture! Being a CR is a unique opportunity for you to be more active with fellow young professionals in agricultural and related fields in Belgium as well as with the global YPARD... More
  673 Hits
673 Hits

Call for applicants - YPARD Austria country representative

YPARD Austria is seeking a young, innovative and fresh spirited professional to take on the role of a Country Representative (CR) and continue its work on youth in agriculture! Being a CR is a unique opportunity for you to be more active with fellow young professionals in agricultural and related fields in Austria as well as with the global YPARD network.... More

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  • Austria
  1065 Hits
1065 Hits

Call for applicants - YPARD Germany country representative

YPARD Germany is seeking for a young, innovative and fresh spirited professional to take on the role of a Country Representative (CR) and continue its work on youth in agriculture! Being a CR is a unique opportunity for you to be more active with fellow young professionals in agricultural and related fields in Germany as well as with the global YPARD... More

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  • Germany
  958 Hits
958 Hits

Welcoming YPARD France country representative: Margaux Jacob

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD France representative Margaux Jacob. Margaux is a graduate from the Faculty of Economics, University of Panthéon-Sorbonne, France with a Licence in Economics. Currently, she is pursuing her Master’s Degree in the Paris School of Economics and the Ecole Normale Supérieure. Her studies deal with the elaboration and the evaluation of Public Policies. Within her... More

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  • France
  847 Hits
847 Hits

Welcoming the YPARD Switzerland representatives: Caroline Otto and Marnie Pannatier

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Switzerland representatives Caroline Otto and Marnie Pannatier. Caroline Otto grew up in the German part Switzerland near Zurich. She completed her MSc in plant molecular biology at ETH Zurich. During her bachelor, she spent an exchange semester in Melbourne, Australia at the University of Melbourne. Whereas the major subjects in her studies were... More

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  • Switzerland
  1129 Hits
1129 Hits

TROPENTAG 2018: YPARD call of interest

Each year YPARD partakes in the annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development  “Tropentag” with an interactive workshop. See details of the previous workshops here,  here and here. This year Tropentag will be organized by the University of Ghent, Belgium in close cooperation KU Leuven and Antwerp University (both Belgium) and will be held... More

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  • Belgium
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  757 Hits
757 Hits

Call for applicants - YPARD France country representative

YPARD France is seeking for a young, innovative and fresh spirited professional to take on the role of a Country Representative (CR) and continue its work on youth in agriculture! Since 2012, the YPARD France chapter has been boosting youth's participation in agriculture, food and environmental issues by carrying out awareness work on social media and a consultative mission for higher... More

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  • France
  785 Hits
785 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Serbia country representative: Julijana El Omari

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Serbia country representative Julijana El Omari. Julijana is a graduate from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia with a Bachelor's degree in journalism. In her last investigative journalism exam, in, she made a television video story about the complaints written by farmers after they have been turned down for governments agricultural... More

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  • Serbia
  827 Hits
827 Hits

Meat consumption as a challenge: evidence from data and policies

Francesca Allievi - The President of the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) Alumni Association and researcher at the BCFN Foundation, shares with us details on her inspiring PhD research topic on meat consumption and its effect on our environmental resources through an interview conducted by Stacy Hammond - the YPARD Europe Communications and Fundraising officer. Enjoy the interview below:... More

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  • Italy
  950 Hits
950 Hits