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Capacity Building training on Climate Change, Carbon Financing and REDD/REDD+ issues

Nepalese youth climate change team

[Photo credit: Naresh Kusi]

Capacity Building training on Climate Change, Carbon Financing and REDD/REDD+ was organized in National Legume Research Center (NLRC), Rampur, Chitwan by Youth Alliance in Environment (YAE) with support of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) from December 1 to December 4, 2013. 

With the slogan, nurturing Green Minds, YAE (established in 2009) is working as a Non-Governmental organization with an objective to sensitize the issues of climate change, biodiversity and environmental conservation at local and policy level. The four days training in NLRC, Rampur, Chitwan was assisted for dissemination and on other technical aspects by Youth Eco Network (YEN) and YPARD NEPAL.

Capacity Building for Academia on today’s hot topics like climate change, Carbon Financing and REDD/REDD+ seems to be a necessary step towards the mitigation and adaptation of the impacts of rapidly changing climate. Keeping this in view YAE has been conducting this training since 2011, and in various parts of the country like Pokhara, Chitwan, and Nawalparasi.

The training focused on the present situation of climate change issues in the world, the position of developing countries like Nepal on the international say on relevant topics, the field methodologies for Forest Carbon Inventory, the different actions taken for research, mitigation and adaptation and then future possibilities for better resilience towards the impacts of global environmental changes.

Summary of the training

Day 1st

Day 1st was about the introduction to climate change, UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Board and Negotiation process, NAPA (National Adaptation Program of Action) and LAPA (Local Adaptation Plan of Action) background, LAPA preparation and group work.

In group work, a total of 28 participants prepared various LAPA components like Historical Timeline, Hazard Mapping, Seasonal Calendar, Crop Calendar, Livelihood Resources Assessment, Impact Assessment on Livelihood, Local Adaptation Assessment Matrix and Prioritization of Adaptation Options. Each group presented LAPA of various areas of Nepal affected by natural disasters.

On the very first day, discussions were made on COP (Conference of Parties) and its major outcomes. Untill now 19 COPs has been executed in various parts of the world, the COP1 being carried in Berlin in 1995 to COP19 in Warsaw, Poland in 2013. Important COPs like COP3 led to adoption of Kyoto Protocol putting forward the Green House Gases (GHGs) Reduction commitments. Likewise, COP13 gave the Bali Action Plan leading the way for developing countries towards Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Joint Implementation and Carbon Trading.

This has created a potential opportunity for increasing awareness and raising socio-economic conditions for developing countries. However, the various meetings and agreements are still a long way to full effective and sustainable solutions to global issues of climate change and carbon financing.

Day 2nd

The second day was mostly about the technologies in REDD/ REDD+ and Forest Carbon Inventory. REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) issues have been emerging as a big concern globally. In this regard, carbon financing by the rich in forests countries like Nepal can be one of the solutions towards reducing global emissions with economic upliftment at the same time.

Day 3rd

Day 3rd made a very interesting turn in the training. The participants were made acquainted with the field methodologies for Forest Carbon Inventory. During the time, we were acquainted with high-tech tools and equipments such as Vertex, Global Positioning System (GPS), Clinometer, Densiometer, Diameter tape and Transponder. The field work trained us to determine forest carbon stock, height of the tree, canopy cover, land slope, land position etc.

Day 4th

On the fourth day, we, participants learnt about Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring for REDD+ and data analysis techniques. In addition to this, we even learned to handle Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). We were startled by the high technology and the sophistication of the system. Finally, the training concluded with certificate distribution and commentary lectures by the participants.


The four days capacity building training on Climate change, Carbon Financing and REDD/REDD+ was successfully and fruitfully conducted. The facilitators of the training, Mr. Bibek Karki, Mr. Suraj Poudel, Mr. Naresh Kusi, Mr. Sanot Adhikari, and Mr. Krishna Hengaju mentioned the satisfaction towards the active involvement of the participants throughout the program. Mr. Hengaju even promised future programs on the issues of climate change.

Learning a lot from the training, it would be appropriate to conclude that the awareness regarding climate change, Carbon financing and REDD/REDD+ issues is necessary among all the people including the small farmers and local people. The fight is against the negative impacts of rapidly changing climate that has certainly threatened the existence of the coming generations. And to maintain an umbrella over the lives on earth, there is need of more attention and homework from the relevant national and international authorities and from all the stakeholders which include all of us.

Jointly posted by Smriti limbu and Madan Poudel
[Local Representatives of YPARD Nepal]

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