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Five-star villages, why not?

When it comes to agriculture, farm and farmer are more concerned and residential area of village is forgotten, while when it comes to living place of farmers, arable land, gardens, livestock breeding ground, and other agricultural products are forgotten. It was always a question for me that why agricultural and rural issues should not be considered and solved together and why... Continue reading

Custom fields

  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  718 Hits
718 Hits

Iran’s Organic Agriculture Potential: An opportunity for the Middle East countries

Farmland area in Iran is 11-13 million ha in which most of it can be classified as traditional farming systems which smallholder farmers are involved in for subsistence agriculture. Since many farmers in their small farms and gardens never use agrochemicals and use sustainable approaches for crop production during land preparation, crop nutrition, soil fertility as well as pest, disease and... Continue reading

Custom fields

  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1944 Hits
1944 Hits