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“It was Awesome”: The YPARD On the-ground Awareness at Kogi State University, Nigeria

’’It finally came true’’, these were the words I said to myself as the activities of the day ended. Over the past months myself and another YPARD member in Kogi State Nigeria:  Apeh Omede who happens to also be a staff at  Kogi State University in the Department of Animal Production, had planned a YPARD Awareness with the support of YPARD... Continue reading
  0 Hits
0 Hits

Jeunesse et Agriculture au Burkina Faso

Le Burkina Faso est un pays très majoritairement agricole. Le secteur primaire, constitué par l'agriculture et l'élevage emploie presque toute la population rurale et une partie importante de la population urbaine. Entre 80 et 85% des Burkinabè travaillent dans le secteur primaire. Mais le faible rendement agricole, les méthodes archaïques et les aléas climatiques rendent cette partie de la population pauvre... Continue reading
  1811 Hits
1811 Hits

Iran’s Organic Agriculture Potential: An opportunity for the Middle East countries

Farmland area in Iran is 11-13 million ha in which most of it can be classified as traditional farming systems which smallholder farmers are involved in for subsistence agriculture. Since many farmers in their small farms and gardens never use agrochemicals and use sustainable approaches for crop production during land preparation, crop nutrition, soil fertility as well as pest, disease and... Continue reading
  1944 Hits
1944 Hits

“Holy” Youth-friendly GCARD2

Setting the scene Between 16 and 20 Young people present flesh&bones at GCARD2 YPARD pre-event session. Some of them leave shortly to pop-up in other pre-event sessions related to their field of expertise or regional activities. Many of them are also GCARD2 Social reporting trainees. Laptop in hands, they replace the traditional note-taking to tweeting! So, to this bunch of YPs,... Continue reading
  1 Hits
1 Hits