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Fate of sunflower production in Pakistan

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an important crop which is cultivated around the world for food and oil purposes.  The seeds of sunflower are either consumed directly or they are extracted for the oil which is used for cooking and other purposes. Mainly sunflower is cultivated for oil purposes, while the majority of peoples do not know about the nutrition of... Continue reading

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  • Pakistan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  4587 Hits
4587 Hits

Zero hunger: A case for bio-fortification

In developing countries, youth plays an important role in facing the challenges on availability, accessibility and use of food around the globe with increasing population, rapid urbanization and climate change.  Youth serve in the field of food systems through many ways: some are directly working on farms producing food for the world, some are carrying out research in order to enhance... Continue reading

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  • Pakistan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1165 Hits
1165 Hits

Wastewater: a useful resource for agriculture

With increasing population, the gap between supply and demand for water has widened.  The unavailability of water is affecting human existence in many parts of the world. Scientists all over the world are focusing on new ways of conserving water. Therefore, it is an acute time to reuse wastewater for irrigation and other purposes. This could release clean water for use... Continue reading

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  • Pakistan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  897 Hits
897 Hits