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Institutionalization of YPARD Serbia through partnership with Youth for Impact

After YPARD Serbia’s participation at the event “Together for the better support for young farmers” last December 2018, organized by YPARD Serbia's partners (Divac Foundation), the country chapter created a connection with the association Youth for Impact Itana Miljani?. Since this association has a similar mission as YPARD Serbia and projects that includes young farmers and young professionals in agriculture, I... Continue reading
  1150 Hits
1150 Hits

Zero hunger: A case for bio-fortification

In developing countries, youth plays an important role in facing the challenges on availability, accessibility and use of food around the globe with increasing population, rapid urbanization and climate change.  Youth serve in the field of food systems through many ways: some are directly working on farms producing food for the world, some are carrying out research in order to enhance... Continue reading
  1165 Hits
1165 Hits