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How I built my company through mentorship

I am sure you are wondering, how can one build a company through mentorship? Well my one year mentoring period with YPARD  was not only a fantastic experience for me but it also helped me initiate the process . My mentor, Dr. Franklin Peter Simtowe, and I had a cordial relationship and most if not all of our targets were attained. ... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Registering my company and attending conferences: How my mentor has helped me shine

The mentorship I have received from Dr. Franklin Simtowe is beyond measure. He has been an outstanding mentor and his contribution to my life is evident. It is good to note that Dr. Franklin and I have had all our monthly meetings face to face, with regular communication via email, text messages, WhatsApp and direct calls. During our first meeting, we... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Welcoming the YPARD Austria country representative: Nikolaus Hruschka

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Austria country representative Nikolaus Hruschka Nikolaus graduated with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria, and continued his academic career with a M.Sc. double degree in Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology at BOKU and Hohenheim University. Over the years, his passion for... Continue reading

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  • Austria
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Welcoming YPARD Spain country representative: Víctor Suárez Villanueva.

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Spain country representative Víctor Suárez Villanueva. Victor is a graduate of Agriculture Engineering from the Universidad de León, Spain .During his bachelor studies, he attended two exchange programs (ERASMUS and AMICUS) where he spent one semester at École Superieur d´Agriculture d´Angers, France and one year at the University of Vermont, USA. In addition... Continue reading

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  • Spain

To New Beginnings with YPARD Myanmar

and Alessandra Giuliani  11th December 2016 maybe just another date on the calendar but it is one with a lot of significance to us. We were meeting in Yangon with a group of motivated young professionals from different stakeholder groups in agriculture (university, private sector, national and international CSOs, research centre) from Myanmar, to discuss - in a first formal workshop -... Continue reading

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  • Myanmar
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Welcoming YPARD Myanmar Representative: Aung Tun Oo

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD representative for Myanmar: Aung Tun Oo Aung is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in agriculture from Yezin Agricultural University (YAU). After graduation, he conducted agricultural research at YAU in search of innovative solutions in agriculture to help farmers and to develop the agricultural sector in Myanmar. In 2010,he participated in the AgroStudies... Continue reading

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  • Myanmar
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Welcoming YPARD Mongolia Representative: Anudari Enkhtur

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative Mongolia: Anudari Enkhtur Anudari is a graduate of Agricultural and Applied Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Businesses from the Mongolian University of Life Sciences. Currently, she is pursuing a master’s  degree in the field of International and Development Economics at the Faculty of Tropical Agrisciences, Czech University of Life Sciences... Continue reading

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  • Mongolia
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Welcoming our new YPARD Europe Communications and Fundraising Intern: Hana Khanh

We are delighted to welcome our new Communication and Fundraising intern for YPARD Europe, Hana Khanh. Hana is currently a master’s student in International Development and Agricultural Economics at the Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS), where she focusses on seeking an effective practical distributing model and improving the value chain of tropical products, enhancing international agriculture cooperation in her home... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

Welcoming the YPARD Turkey Country representative: Seher Gümü?

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Turkey Country representative Seher Gümü?.  Seher is a graduate of the Hacettepe University, Ankara / Turkey with a bachelors degree in food engineering. During her studies, she worked as a research assistan at the food engineering department.Currently, she is a self-employed project writer and manager in central Turkey, where she works with small... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

With love from Europe. Happy 10th anniversary YPARD!

This year, YPARDians are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the very special YPARD in different ways, all over the world.  YPARD Europe celebrated this special occasion on the 8-9th November, 2016 during the 3rd International Tropical Biodiversity Conservation Conference (TBCC) in Prague, Czech Republic. Celebrating this milestone anniversary with over 100 young agricultural researchers, activists and university students attending this event... Continue reading

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  • Czech Republic
  • Promote agriculture among young people

2017: bringing our achievements forward!

By Courtney Paisley and Marina Cherbonnier Happy new year to our restless community and its supporters! We take the opportunity to look back at YPARD’s key achievements for 2016. A big thank you to all of you who made these possible. These are great and they are the hallmark of a truly engaged and dynamic network.  Our 11 achievements for 2016... Continue reading

How can we support you better? - YPARD 2017

Every year, we strive to improve our support to YPARD members.  We need YOU to tell us what you want more of and what you want less of. YPARD is your network; get the most out of it! Help us assess our services and the value you see in YPARD as a network. We will look at what activities are considered most valuable... Continue reading

Meeting, staying and working together: YPARD 10 Years Anniversary Celebrations the DRC way!

By Hervé Bondonga and Lynn Mazianda "Better late than never", we say. On Tuesday, December 27, 2016 , thirty six YPARD DRC members from Kinshasa together with two guests, Mrs. Marie Phoba, president of the NGO SOS Family DRC, and Ms Aurore Ibovi, from Congo Brazzaville  met at 16th Street Limete, Plazza Village for an unforgettable moment of celebration of YPARD's 10... Continue reading

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  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Promote agriculture among young people

User-led research and innovation: Who is the “user”?

On the 29th-30th of November 2016, researchers and non-researchers from Western, Central/Eastern Europe and Africa gathered together on occasion of the annual meeting of the European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD) held in Prague, Czech Republic.  The two days meeting was organized jointly by EFARD and Platform for African-European partnership on Agricultural Research for Development (PAEPARD) under the topic... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

The Best of YPARD's 10 years anniversary! (part 2)

After a heated year long celebrations of YPARD 10 Years anniversary dotted with online events, we finally got to the end of it. And the celebrations would not be at the best climax if we are not to highlight some of the best moments. In line with that, we have collated the part 2 of the Very Best of the #YPARD10years... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

YPARD Team’s Online Hangout series: more interaction for more capacity

Have you ever thought of the wealth of knowledge that exists in the structure or organization you work with? At YPARD, we genuinely know that our community has a massive number of significant skills and experiences to share. Thus, in 2016, we designed a series of online hangouts for our country representatives all around the world to interact better among themselves... Continue reading

The EFARD meeting from a Hungarian YPARDian’s point of view

It is always a challenge to be an invited delegate at an event and actively participate in the event because you feel the responsibility for learning the best practices, for representing your sending community, as well as for sharing something straightforward from your work with the hosting community.  The lessons learnt from this years' EFARD technical and business meeting showed me... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

Going back to YPARD’s roots (Revisiting the past, in the present, to see the way forward)

When you’re part of an international platform as vast as YPARD, it is seldom that you get the opportunity to visit the city, where YPARD was officially launched. Such was the privilege given to me to go to New Delhi and speak on behalf of the YPARD Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee at the Fourth International Agronomy Congress, where a Special... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

The Business of Agriculture and Funding – What Works for Young People?

It is no longer in doubt that the theory of survival of the fittest exists not only in human existence but also in businesses, be it small or large.  Businesses need funding to survive but not everyone knows the necessary and the right procedures to follow in order to acquire the needed funding to start-up an enterprise. The word funding and... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Access to resources and capacity building

Engaging with youth in wheat and maize agri-food systems

As more and more  organizations begin to explore how they can more strongly engage youth in their work, members of YPARD are continuously being approached to provide their experiences and insights to inform discussions and decision-making.  Such was the case of researchers from CIMMYT who are exploring how they can best understand and provide the research to address issues related to... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate