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EIT Food Entrepreneurship Winter School

Being both an agribusiness student and researcher at the International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education (ICARE), I had a chance to participate in EIT Food Entrepreneurship Winter School.

EIT Food is a consortium of 50 partners from leading businesses, research centres and universities across 13 countries. EIT Food’s vision is to put Europe at the centre of a global revolution in food innovation and production, and its value in society. EIT Food wants to engage consumers in the change process, improve nutrition and make the food system more resource-efficient, secure, transparent and trusted.

Its ambition is to create a future-proof and effective food sector through a connected food system that is centred on the consumer and is built on trust. During this course, I and the other 29 students from different countries came together to tackle the challenges that Europe’s food system will face in the future.

The first week of the course was conducted in Germany at the Technical University of Munich and the second week of the course continued in Great Britain at the University of Cambridge. We were working in interdisciplinary teams, identifying problems, prototyping viable solutions with a validated value proposition and finally pitching the results in front of a panel of experts.

It was a great opportunity to participate in EIT Food Entrepreneurship Winter School. During this short period, I gained a lot of practical knowledge in food management and entrepreneurship. Also, I had a unique chance to meet and to share knowledge with industry experts about the challenges and potentials of Europe’s food industry. We were trying to identify problems existing in food sphere and finding diverse solutions for the identified problems. And most importantly EIT Food Entrepreneurship Winter School gave me wonderful opportunity to meet and to share unforgettable moments with participants across the globe who are more than friends now.

Picture credits: EIT Food Entrepreneurship Winter School

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