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Empowering Youth in Agriculture: 10 years in review

YPARD's 10 year milestones : a decde in review

In order to celebrate the young professionals for agricultural development (YPARD)’s 10 years of key milestones, we have prepared an infographic and a video that will lead you through YPARD’s progress in enhancing youth participation in the sector.

Find out the development of YPARD since its beginnings. It includes the building of YPARD Structure on national, regional and global level, with the support of key partners, the development of the communications efforts and the launching of YPARD mentoring program. Furthermore, it highlights the youth main input through discussions and researches on how to better involve the youth in agricultural development and to better prepare them as young professionals in the sector, their representation in key initiatives’ steering boards and their role as advisor for strong institutional youth strategies and plan. Also, YPARS members grew as active contributors in finding solutions for sustainable development together with other multi-stakeholder youth-led organisations.

As we celebrate YPARD 10 years, we now count over 12 500 registered members, 22 000 visits a month on the website and +60 country representatives.

Check the infographic of YPARD's decade in review:

Watch YPARD 10 years video (credit to Hana Voca, YPARD Kosovo):

Also, YPARD is having its Global face to face celebration at the occasion of the GCARD3 Global Event, on Wednesday, April 6, 2016. This will be an informal cocktail where we will reflect on the impact YPARD has achieved, listen to some young professionals talking about what YPARD has done for them, as well as meet some of these great young professionals. But mostly, it is about celebrating our members, representatives, partners and providing a big thank you to everyone who has supported YPARD over the last decade. Several members and supporters will take the floor and share their own experience at the event. More onsite celebrations will occur on national and regional levels throughout the year.

Stay tuned on 

YPARD Uganda at the GCARD3 National Consultations...
March Roundup of the #YPARD10Years Celebrations

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