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Engage, engage, engage! - COP18 agriculture day !

We solicited you to integrate COP18 debates related to agriculture some days ago: Youth, agriculture and COP18: Time to engage!

We shared a number of hints on  how to get involved from your seat: Youth, agriculture and COP18: HOW to engage NOW!

Still not quite clear on what you can do concretely?

Still in the phase of letting others speak for you?

Then, this is for you: website is calling for YOUR participation!
Check out the "big ideas" in the Ideas Marketplace.
Comment on the different ideas and vote for the best market place idea!

Here are some identified ideas for you:

Here, some highlighted questions!

You can reply here below by signing-in or on website, or even Twitter (#Allforest), or Facebook, Linkedin, wherever you feel comfortable!

  • Can sustainable palm oil tread the line between economic development and environmental responsibility?
  • Do extension systems still have a role to play in supporting the adoption of climate smart farming practices, or are they more or less obsolete in the African context?
  • Is bamboo charcoal really a climate solution of consequence, or is it just another gimmick? 

Cherries on the cake!

  • CIFOR is starting to racking up plenty of COP18 blogs.
  • There is plenty of content which is being tweeted now with the #ALLforest tag, by many of the #ALLforest partners

Check & Comment, comment, comment!

Yes, you can!

We know you have an opinion or questions! Tape it; share it!

There is no stupid idea or question! Just give it a try! See how your contribution can spark a conversation!

You, as a young professional in agriculture, is particularly WANTED!! If it can even make you feel better and daring, you can use it as an excuse:

Let me tell you; that’s how I got started with building my confidence as an intern. I was strong in the feeling of: “If I make a mistake, well it is not really my fault; I am young, inexperienced and well, JUST an intern”. That’s how I got started asking uncomfortable but eventually not-quite-dummy questions. It started shaken what was wrongly felt as “common sense” and generated some 'brainstorming". You are bright, guys! Go ahead!

Do not forget being constructive! To each problem you see, it is always nice proposing some suggestions for solutions! Address what seems completely wrong with seeking for further explanation – you may not have in mind the full complexity of the issue. Try understand and build upon it!

Spreading Others' word through Social Media is fun; now, let’s give "youth in ag"'s Word at COP18!

YPARD and Youth Stakeholders taking part in refini...

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2024年9月23日, 星期一

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