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Greenhouses in the Backyard

Urban farming in Kenya has moved beyond just being a poor man's profession. Can it even provide a solution to looming food insecurity? On a stroll through Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, one's eyes are drawn to a myriad of agricultural activities taking place. From a distance, greenhouses seem to sprout from any available piece of land and backyards. And that... Continue reading
  1075 Hits
1075 Hits

Welcoming the new YPARD South Africa representative - Obert Mathivha

YPARD is welcoming OBERT MATHIVHA as YPARD South Africa representative. Obert Mathivha grew up in rural areas of South Africa where agricultural activities became part of his upbringing and constituted about 90 percent of his household survival and income. Today, Obert is a legal and diplomatic graduate from the University of Pretoria while his  inherent passion for agriculture made him to... Continue reading
  1188 Hits
1188 Hits