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What is the Mediterranean area's future?

Being a PhD candidate of the Agricultural Transformation by Innovation program (AgTraIn), with a thesis on biodiversity of olives in the Mediterranean area, was of special importance for me to be invited to the First preparatory workshop for the Congress 2015 “The Left-Behind: Democratic Transitions and the Mediterranean Agricultural Communities” that took place the 15th of June 2014, in Volos, Greece.... Continue reading
  908 Hits
908 Hits

Rural youth in Brazil: An interconnected network of ideas

Within an initiative started from YPARD-Brazil, here comes the third blog post of "All in One Rhythm" series. As the World Cup’s title, this initiative aims to use the young and the agricultural sector to foster development in Brazil.  The first round of the 2014 World Cup finished last Friday, 27th of June, but we all go forward in one rhythm in order... Continue reading
  991 Hits
991 Hits