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Time for new beginnings in YPARD Brazil

“For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice. To make an end is to make a beginning." T.S. Eliot More than a year has passed since I asked Courtney Paisley, YPARD director, to be the very first YPARD representative in Brazil. At the time, I was still amazed by the fact that one of... Continue reading

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  • Brazil
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1039 Hits
1039 Hits

All in One Rhythm: Lessons learned

More than one month ago, Maracanã stadium celebrated the end of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Yes, those festive days brought many surprises, unforgettable – and painful – ones, especially for us Brazilians. By suffering, we learned that results come with commitment, planning, humility and good technique. Charisma and good will are great complements, but alone they are unable to... Continue reading

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  • Brazil
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1613 Hits
1613 Hits

Tatiana Reis, Professor in Agribusiness Management: "There are several opportunities for young people in the Agricultural sector in the areas of marketing and management"

Closing our "All in one Rhythm" series on YPARD´s blog, we aim to show the perspective of different actors in agriculture in Brazil. Here comes the interview with Tatiana Reis, a Professor in Agribusiness Management at the Brasilia University, Brazil. Tatiana Reis is a Professor in Agribusiness Management at the University of Brasilia. She has a Master in Agribusiness Management and... Continue reading

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  • Brazil
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  1509 Hits
1509 Hits

Rural youth in Brazil: An interconnected network of ideas

Within an initiative started from YPARD-Brazil, here comes the third blog post of "All in One Rhythm" series. As the World Cup’s title, this initiative aims to use the young and the agricultural sector to foster development in Brazil.  The first round of the 2014 World Cup finished last Friday, 27th of June, but we all go forward in one rhythm in order... Continue reading

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  • Brazil
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  990 Hits
990 Hits

All in One Rhythm: How to use Youth and Agriculture to foster Development in Brazil

The day has finally come. After eight years of intensive planning, building and waiting, we will see the ball rolling at 5 pm today, Brasilia time, for the first match in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Surely, this journey means more than football. This period was also marked by a rising concern of Brazilian people for better days, for better living... Continue reading

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  • Brazil
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  966 Hits
966 Hits

The know-how of Networking

Networking - why YPARDians should do it YPARD is a platform which notably promotes information and experience exchange, so it is all about networking! For this very reason, our first event in Brazil was about “Professional Networking” in partnership with Crea Jovem. The event was held at Crea headquarters in Brasilia on November 28. Our programme started with a brief presentation... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1074 Hits
1074 Hits

Zoom in 2013 YPARD Brazil !

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together” was said by one the greatest painters, Vincent van Gogh, and perfectly describes the journey of YPARD Brazil from July – when I was nominated YPARD Brazil representative – to November – when we had the first event of YPARD Brazil. New country, new team,... Continue reading

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  • Brazil
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1115 Hits
1115 Hits

How my dad’s rural-urban migration affected my ideas about agricultural research

I am pretty much a city girl. I was born at a hospital in the city centre of the capital of Brazil, Brasilia. I grew up playing in and with another children in the streets using my rollers, adventuring in homemade karts (known as rolimãs in Brazil) or even running around because of the well-known “hide and seek” game. I was... Continue reading

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  • Brazil
  909 Hits
909 Hits

Innovative Ideas from the Youth to Feed the World showcased at FAO!

On the 21st of May, more than 150 young professionals presented their groundbreaking ideas to help end global hunger and malnutrition on the “Innovative Ideas to Feed the World – Young Professionals Conference” held at FAO Headquarters. The event was initiated by four interns of FAO and had the main goal to establish a platform where young professionals could learn from... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  1094 Hits
1094 Hits