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Business advisory model: A necessary tool for Smallholder Farmers

Impacting lives constitutes one of the main reasons for human existence and what a feeling of fulfilment one has when you work closely with smallholder farmers especially within the clan of farming communities to ensure better farming practices and livelihood! The farming of our time has changed from farming for poor people to farming as a business enterprise, with the aim... Continue reading
  817 Hits
817 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Netherlands Country Representative: Ingrid Flink

We are delighted to welcome the YPARD Netherlands country representative, Ingrid Flink. Ingrid is a graduate with a Master’s degree in Applied Communication Science specialising in Food and Health at the Wageningen University, Netherlands. She is currently a Junior Advisor at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) for the Sustainable Economic Development and Gender unit and a member of the Prolinnova network,... Continue reading
  867 Hits
867 Hits

Tatiana Reis, Professor in Agribusiness Management: "There are several opportunities for young people in the Agricultural sector in the areas of marketing and management"

Closing our "All in one Rhythm" series on YPARD´s blog, we aim to show the perspective of different actors in agriculture in Brazil. Here comes the interview with Tatiana Reis, a Professor in Agribusiness Management at the Brasilia University, Brazil. Tatiana Reis is a Professor in Agribusiness Management at the University of Brasilia. She has a Master in Agribusiness Management and... Continue reading
  1511 Hits
1511 Hits

Young Professionals across Nigeria gather to launch the CORY Workshop

The Creating Opportunities for Rural Youth (CORY) workshop was held in Nigeria at Songhai Farms, Rivers State from 14th to 15th July, 2014. It was a 2 day workshop aimed at informing participants of the overview of CORY project and opportunities available for rural youths 15-35 years in Farm and Non-farm enterprises in the next 3 years (2014 – 2017), understanding... Continue reading
  1166 Hits
1166 Hits