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CORY workshop: Fostering Rural Youth Entrepreneurship

From 21st to 22nd July 2014, the Cameroon National Inception Workshop CORY (Creating Opportunities for Rural Youth) project was held in Yaoundé, Cameroon. YPARD Cameroon was invited to provide inputs to the design of the project in the country as well as to be a potential national implementing partner. On behalf of the coordination team, the Centre region representative, Gwladys Mabah,... Continue reading
  952 Hits
952 Hits

Tatiana Reis, Professor in Agribusiness Management: "There are several opportunities for young people in the Agricultural sector in the areas of marketing and management"

Closing our "All in one Rhythm" series on YPARD´s blog, we aim to show the perspective of different actors in agriculture in Brazil. Here comes the interview with Tatiana Reis, a Professor in Agribusiness Management at the Brasilia University, Brazil. Tatiana Reis is a Professor in Agribusiness Management at the University of Brasilia. She has a Master in Agribusiness Management and... Continue reading
  1510 Hits
1510 Hits